Call me crazy, call me nostalgic. But once October comes, I can't help but get excited. Three Holidays back to back, four if I count my birthday. But wait.... I'm not having anymore birthdays. I, in my mind will be immortally 34 forever. Yes, immortal, maybe I am reading to much into those damn Twilight books that have consumed me for the past 6 days. I liked being 34, it was a good age and year for me. It's a good age to mentally stay at. And with that said, I will.
Halloween is the first of these holidays that I love. I only wish that it would be a little cooler, but what can I expect when you live in the "Valley of The Sun". Yes, there is the whole finding costumes, yes the kids eat too much candy, but that is the whole fun of it. This year Nachito decided to be "Iron Man". It was another one of those mother/son bonding moments. I had not really wanted to see Iron Man, but since Buddy does not like to go to the movies, Nachito begged and pleaded with me to take him. What was I going to say? No? Not an option. We left the movies like two eight year old boys, amazed at how great this movie was. Remembering all the excitement and about when Iron Man does this and that. It was great. When we went to the Spirit store, the super hero section is where he ran. Iron Man it was, "Remember mom, it's your favorite movie". How could I break his heart and tell him that I had moved on, that Iron Man had been replaced by about five other movies by now. I didn't and as we paid for his costume he looked up and smiled at me, my very own little Iron Man.
Kassie this year chose to be a fairy, a glittery fairy. Her and McKenna wanted to match. Nana Norma, like always, made her and Mckenna the cutest fairy costumes. It was obvious that she is growing up. She had her friends with her. They walked either a block ahead, a block behind, or completely on the other side. This was it, she was growing up, and there was no stopping it. No longer wanting to be seen with us, she was a big girl now. It was a fun night, lots of laughs, and again, great memories.