I was waiting for this day to come, it actually came about three months ago. He's researched...he has taken the trip to the pet shop to LOOK at them, he has plead his case numerous times. We have researched, we have plead our case numerous times. He won't let this go. We (Buddy) included can not for any moment come in contact with this supposably friendly lizard/dragon. "I will feed him, I will clean his habitat, I will do everything, I promise!" That is what he is promising. I am having an anxiety attack at this very moment, just imaging walking down the hall and coming face to face with ? I say ?, because who knows what his name would be. I am sure, that he would be very creative with a name.
Three months ago, we prolonged this encounter with the promise that if we bought him some fish, and he took care of them, we would consider the, the....dragon. Well, with the exeption of two of his six fishes they are alive and well. He has fed them, he has named them, he has kept them alive.
"What if I buy him with my own money?" Well, his little green camouflauge wallet has been getting thicker, and thicker. He opened up his Halloween envelopes last weekend and quickly added them to his growing wallet. He has a birthday coming up on Saturday, he knows that more envelopes are to follow. By gosh, he lost two teeth in one night, could it get any worse?Any day now, he will be able to afford this lizard/dragon. What then?
That is when I ask, could I possibly?