Jenalee, Tatum G., Tatum B., and Kassie

This year TDA chose to go to Dance Masters of America Nationals. They were held at the Coronado Springs Hotel in Disneyworld. Florida is a great place to visit, I could never live there. It is so humid and it rains all the time. It can be a beautiful day...and then all of a sudden here comes the rain. Disneyworld, however, is the most fun. It was Kassie's first trip to Disneyworld and she loved it. We had a blast, and it was so much fun getting on all the big kid rides with her. She is definetly a thrill rider. She could not get enough of "Rockin Roller Coaster". I have to admit, it was my favorite also. Going to Nationals with all the TDA dancers is always great. The kids have a great time together, and it helps build their friendships so that when they dance together, they have fun. TDA as a whole had an awesome Nationals. They were awarded very few Golds, most of the numbers scored Platinum. Kassie competed two solos at DMA. She did Hippy Hippy Shake and a new solo to Baby I'm A Star. With HHS, she scored a Platinum and won her division, she also came in 6th place overall. She got a Gold with Baby I'm A Star. That was great considering she just barely finished it in time for Nationals. All in all, it was a great time. Next years Nationals we are off to NYC again.