Well, the green camoflage wallet is empty....and there is no Dragon awaiting my arrival in the mornings. That is what I call Success!!! However, this is what is sitting in my living room right now. That is, untill the playroom is completly cleaned out, and becomes Nachito's room, and Nachito's now room becomes the playroom.
I'm exhausted just writing about it. It might be a few days, but Buddy promised that it will get done by Thanksgiving. It had better be done... Do you hear me Buddy? I know you sometimes read my blog. I can not host Thanksgiving for about 40 people with this in the living room. It just won't work. No, I can not just throw a tablecloth on it and consider it a table, it's tacky. I know how you think, we've been married long enough, and I know that would have been your plan. Please, please, move it.
So, all in all it was somewhat of a success. I can much better handle an Air Hockey table in my house over the dreadful Bearded Dragon. So, family..... you know who I'm talking to. It is safe to come to my house for Thanksgiving. No dragons live there......for now.