The costumes have been added to the costume closet, the props are back in storage, and the cast party has past. All after long months of preparation. It's a funny feeling when you walk into TDA in August, and hear Christmas music coming from the dance rooms. At the time, it just seems like forever untill the Christmas show. And then, all of sudden, there you are at dress rehearsal. This year, dress rehearsal was something to see. Costumes everywhere, kids running into each other, kids missing in numbers because they were downstairs playing. One particular number, "Santas Elf" number was especially amusing. Had I had a video camera, it would be a You Tube sensation by now. And yet, after all the mistakes and craziness of dress rehearsal, the shows are amazing. These kids, (and I say kids, because with the exception of a few, most of the cast of the Christmas show are under the age of 18). They know how to perform. They get on that stage, and you would swear you are watching a Broadway show. It is something to see. It is definetly a show that gets you into the holiday spirit.
This show that so many of us enjoy, is put on by many people, but it is the hard work and dedication of Wanda, the owner of Tempe Dance Academy that makes it a reality. (She is probably already planning things for next year). I, as a parent, sometimes take for granted all the hard work that she, her daughters and son in law put into this show. And if it were not for them, our children would'nt have the oppurtunity to perform in such a show. Sure, their will be a few of these kids that will actually end up on a Broadway stage, or on a cruise ship somewhere or maybe even owning their own studios. But for the rest of them, this is as close as it gets. These kids get to feel like real stars. At intermission, they walk out to greet friends and family. They are constantly stopped by the many people in attendance and commended on their hard work. Everyone leaves that show with a smile on their face. And so, with all that said, I thank all the teachers at TDA for putting on the "Spirit of Christmas". Thank you for creating such beautiful memories for our children and having them participate in this wonderful tradition. 21 years and counting. Untill next year.