One more holiday come and gone. Why, why does time go so fast? Just last week I was stressing out about cooking for so many people. It was Tuesday, and had yet to go to the grocery store. So typical of me, save everything for the last minute. I am sure that most who know me, are not surprised by this fact. You still love me....right? Thankfully, this year I had all my family at this blessed holiday. My mom, my two sisters and their families. It's times like this, that I realize just how small my immediate family is. Even though it has been 11 years, I still can't help but miss my "papi". It was always an interesting holiday with him. He really enjoyed Thanksgiving. It saddens me that he never really met Kassie and Nachito. Nachito, however, is just like him in so many ways. I can't quite comprehend it. Just this weekend I kept finding plates with the crust of pumpkin pie, no filling, just the crust sitting there waiting to be thrown away. This was something that my dad did all the time. He loved the filling, but not the crust. As does Nachito. My mom was so happy to for the first time, in a long time, to have us all together. She requested a photo, and we after much thought, granted it. I hate pictures of myself. It's that dang baby weight that I can't seem to get rid of. OOps, nevermind, he is nine : 0 I have no excuse.
Buddy was also lucky enough to have his family with him on this holiday. It was nice to have both families in one house, and even better, we all get along. The cousins did some bonding, and the little munchkins of the family dominated the conversations. Three little princess's and one little prince. Thank you Alyssa, Gaby, Alessandra, and Devon for keeping us entertained all night. We had some extras as well. Mr. and Mrs. Warga, my sister-in-law Wendy's parents. They moved here from Florida a few years ago, and they have happily attended our crazy holiday reunions. They are family now. Also, Jose and Johanna co-workers of Fernie who have gladly attended our Thanksgiving dinners for a few years now. Their family lives far away and we thank them for allowing us to be a surragate family to them.
I think the food was good, I hope the food was good. Henry the ??? oh, I can't keep track anymore was delish. (Henry is our nickname for our Turkey every year) And thank you all for the extras that were brought. And Wendy.....thank you for going to Marie Calendars, I'm sorry that I am so OCD. Thank you all for coming to our humble home for a great family reunion, hopefully you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed having you. Please, next year again??? We would love it. Hope you enjoy the pictures.
Love Always,
oh, and by the way....Air Hockey table still in living room, hopefully by Christmas? Huh Buddy?