I felt that before I post my next product, I would talk about the first make-up artist that inspired me. As posted before, I was always fascinated by make-up, but one day, on the Today show they had a make-up artist that was releasing a book. They showed pictures of the book and it was awesome. He had a natural talent. After the show ended, I wanted to buy the book. I lived in Douglas at the time, and there are no book stores in Douglas. On my next trip to Sierra Vista, I bought the book. Wow, so many tricks of the trade. That book was The Art of Makeup by Kevyn Aucoin. Soon, he released his next book. Making Faces, he with a touch of magic, transformed celebrities, into other celebrities. How could he do that? I looked through those books all the time. He did follow with another great book called Face Forward. Then, in October of 2000 I took my first trip to NYC. I went to the Today show that morning, and who was on there? None other than Kevyn himself. You would have thought that I had seen Tom Cruise. I was estatic. And then sadly, about seven months later, he passed away. He was an artist like no other. I do also like Pat Mcgrath and Gucci Westman, but he was special. His partner did release a book in his honor called "A Beautiful Life" I still will look through that book. Such a great talent gone at such a young age. So for Kevyn, my inspiration I will talk about two of the products that he had worked on, and were later launched.
The Sensual Skin Enhancer - It is a cream foundation/concealer. The coverage is amazing. A little goes a long way, and you should use with some moisterizer, it can go on a little thick if you don't.
The Flesh Tone Lip Pencil - This lip liner is great for neutral lips, or as a base for a dark lipstick. It is the perfect flesh color.
These products can be purchased at http://www.sephora.com/ or http://www.kevynaucoindirect.com/