A bubble bar

A bath bomb
No matter how busy and crazy my weeks are, Sundays, have and always will be my relax day. I try to not do anything as long as I can help it. For years Buddy has joked. He thinks that my mind and body goes into "Sunday mode". And I have to agree. It's one of those days that I take my time waking up. I opt for coffee from home rather than my usual Starbucks. I try to catch up on my DVR recordings of Oprah and currently American Idol. It is almost like I need this day to prepare for the week that follows. Then there is LUSH, I know that I have mentioned my favorite bath products before. Now I will explain. I am a bath person, some people are, and some are not. I don't take a bath everyday, but that is what Sundays are for. LUSH products help my Sundays be that more relaxing. They have the best handmade products! I love their bathbombs, their bubble bars, and just about everything else. I recommend these products to everyone I know. I should own some stock by now. Actually, my friend Holly should own some stock. She buys way more than I do. If we can't get down to Scottsdale Fashion Square, she just orders online and pays for shipping. There is this mask, it's called "Mask of Magnaminty". Wow, it is awesome. The lip balms are great for chapped lips. The shampoos and conditioners, they are all great. But...my ultimate favorite is the soap. The soap is cut from huge round or square blocks. It is sold by the pound. They cut it and wrap it for you. I have too many soaps that I like to name. I recommend that people go and feel and smell the soaps and then pick your favorites. Now, a disclaimer...if and when you choose to go to LUSH. And....if and when you fall in love with it as much as I. You will not, for any reason tell your husbands that you were directed their by moi. I will plead the fifth. Just go there, and you too can have your very own LUSH Sundays.
Now, the Cardinals, the Cardinals.....Are you kidding? Superbowl? You see, Buddy, he is an avid sports fan. He is not a lets see the Cardinals because they are in the playoffs. I can honestly say that Buddy has been a longtime fan. I, for the past 15 + years have watched him, watch the Cardinals lose, and then lose. He gets mad, he cuses a little, he bashes the players a little. But there he is watching them again, and again. He has his ritual call to his brother. They discuss the game ahead. They talk about it every single time. They have watched games together and everytime they have, the Cardinals lose. So, what happened? They stopped watching the games together. Why? They think that they jinx them. So as of a few years ago, they talk about the game before and after, but never watch it together. Today, was no different. They talked about it as always before and after. So, my next question to Buddy is....will Fernie come over for Superbowl? We always host a Superbowl party. Every year Fernie and his family come over. That is the question this year. Will they take a chance and watch the game together? Or will they keep with superstition and watch the game apart? We shall see....
**another side note, Congratulations to Fernie for again, running in the P.F. Changs Rock 'N' Roll marathon. That is awesome!