It was on Thursday that Nachito brought me his permission slip for his field trip to the Botanical gardens. It is scheduled for February 17th. No problem, I signed away. What a great trip. His sister took the same trip a few months ago. All went as planned. I gave him his permission slip back to put in his backpack. As he was walking away, he stopped in his tracks. "Wait" he said, "You did'nt write your name down on the list for a chaperone." Panick hit me, sweat started forming, flashbacks of past field trips going through my brain. I swallowed hard and carefully thought of my next words. "Well, I read the slip and it clearly says that due to so many requests in the past, that chaperones are selected in a drawing. I've never been real lucky, so I figured that someone else will get drawn anyways." Smile "But mom, how will you know, if you don't at least try." Gulp! Double Gulp! My head quickly started invisioning a small and crowded bus with 100 3rd graders. Yelling, laughing, singing, crying......and I did it, I signed my name on that line. You would have thought I was signing my life away.
Please don't misunderstand me. I love my son, I don't mind kids at all. I just don't enjoy field trips. I have had my share. I may still be suffering from bad memories of my own past field trips. I chaperoned a field trip for Kai in pre-school and in Kindergarten. Then I chaperoned Nachito for one in Kindergarten. So, if we're keeping track, I owe him one. Maybe 3rd grade will be better. Maybe they are older and won't be as bad. Ok, I'm convinced. If I get drawn to chaperone 1. I will also buy a lottery ticket that day. 2. I will go, I will enjoy myself and I will spend a great day with Nachito. 3. I will regret that I ever dreaded wanting to go. Besides, as noted before. He does still have me wrapped around his finger. How can I help it?