No...oh too bad. It would have been nice to join you. Why you might ask, would I want to go to a caribbean island? I don't normally prefer island vacations. Maybe it's because I have a tween, a pre-tween, and one, that is way past his tween years, but somehow he manages to irk me just like the other two. So yes, this is a vent post, and if you are in a good mood and do not want to hear my rant. Then go on to another post, or someone else's cheery blog.
My pre-tween is managing to get in loads of trouble at school. He is choosing to not do his homework and telling us that it is done. I have been a bad parent, and have not double checked his homework, so shame on me. He has been grounded and has lost privelges to his XBox 360, his Wii, his Playstation 3 and his lap top. Did you get all that? Yes, we have over indulged this pre-tween and now we are paying the consequences. And did I forget his Nintendo DS? So, what I am thinking is that I have to fix this situation and show more "tough love". Does anyone know how to do that? I am a sucker, you hear me, a sucker for this pre-tween. He has me wrapped around his little finger.
This is where my full grown tween/man/husband/Buddy comes in. He "tapped out" last night. He for the past seven months has been both mom and dad to this pre-tween. Me with my two jobs have not been around much. He has held down the fort, so to say. And he needs me to come back full force. I get it, I see where he is coming from. Sometimes me and my type A personality do not like to have reality hit me smack in the face. So, that is where Buddy irked me. For I could'nt help myself. Buddy, I am sorry. Truly sorry. I promise, starting next week, I will be around more. I still won't cook though : )
Then there is this Tween....... She unlike the pre-tween has no problems turning in her homework etc. She is in the honor roll at school. She stays busy with dance. Her problem, she thinks that I am her personal assistant. Excuse me....yeah, I don't think so. Every day it's somehthing else. This morning it was a call "mom, I forgot my lunch, can you bring it to me?" "Uh, no I am at work. Eat in the cafeteria, you have money on your card." "But I don't like the food in the cafeteria. There is nothing healthy." "Well, too bad." That is just one example of the many. Is this what having a teenager is going to be like? If so, then I need to go to a carribean island for a major emotional detox and come back with a fresh new mind. I know, I know that I can't, but it was a good thought. I will however look forward to Chicago in 13 days...haaaaa Even though the tween is coming with me I will have a great time. And Jamaica will just have to wait.