Can I just say how much I love my new blog design. It is exactly what I wanted. Danielle over at The Design Girl did a fantastic job. Please, if you need your blog re-done, or if you are thinking of starting a blog, use her awesome services.
I would also like to thank Buddy for my new blog, because he gifted it to me for Valentines Day. And Buddy, I know that you think you got off easy. Just so you know, my post of what I want for Mothers Day is just around the corner.
I really thought long and hard about a new name for my blog. After reading so many blogs in the recent months, I realized how important it is to have a name that fits the "blogger". Then, one morning this name came to me. Because again, in the recent months I have become a "Blogoholic" and I have a lot to confess. And I plan on doing just that. My first post on my new blog is titled Confessions so here are a few.
- I love my Husband and children more than anything in this world.
- I honestly believe that Sal and I were meant to be together. We are one in the same and he is really my best friend.
- I wish I could spend more time with my family, and I want them to know how much they mean to me. Both my family, and Sal's family.
- I miss my Dad and my grandmother so, so much.
- I pray every day.
- I am blessed to have so many great friends. And I would like them to know.
- I am truly happy to have re-connected with so many friends from high school on FB.
- I love my pets.
- I really enjoy my job.
- I love to blog.
Those are just a few of my "Confessions" keep coming back to see some more. And if you come back, could you please add yourself as a "Follower" on my blog? Thanks for reading.
I love your new face lift, it is awesome... This blogging thing is just too much fun. Anna
How I allow myself to stand next to you without a bag over my head I'm just not sure. Why you let me be your friend I'm also not sure. Did we blood swear to be friends as little girls and you still feel obligated now?
You are AMAZING and this little thing of yours is beautiful and funny and interesting and a bunch of other really good things (note Martha Stewart). I'm laughing and crying and oohing and aahing at everything here!
A few things of note:
1. I am responsible for Buddy. You owe me, but he owes me bigger!
2. Who needs to cook when you're so pretty? Besides, you make killer appetizers and that's all a party really needs.
3. You are the only true example of a friend. I'm selfish and I want you all to myself. I should get a finder's fee...
4. Your family is WONDERFUL! Again, I'm just a little biased as monster #2 (or should that be #1?)is my Godson. You are a fine wife and mother and I'm so glad we all get to see your capers here :)
5. I hereby do swear to do whatever I can to help with the "Jessie" situation. Enough said.
Anyway, you got me to read and reply so you should feel good about that since you know how I truly hate these things! Can't wait to read more-you are infinitely funnier than the Shopaholic!
the "casual" one