I woke up a bit under the weather today and was not really in the mood to accessorize my black wardrobe with some green. As a result, I know that I will get pinched and I will return the favor with a bit of "pink eye". On top of having a respiratory infection, pain when I swallow, and a horrible sinus infection, I also woke up with a yucky right eye. So pinch me, I dare you.
Happy St. Patricks day anyways. Buddy called and invited me to some dinner and green beer in honor of this Holiday. I must confess I don't know much about St. Patricks Day. I just know you wear green as to avoid pinching and that people go to "pubs" to drink a lot in hopes of seeing a leprechaun I guess. Either way, have a fun and safe St. Patricks day. Buddy will have his green beer, while I have my green NyQuil. Maybe then, I too can see a leprechaun.