Yes, my countdown to the Twilight DVD has come to an end. Patti and I spent the evening running errands counting down the minutes until it was time to go to Borders. We arrived at about 9:30 and there was already so many people there. We were number 47 and 48.
We played the Twilight boardgame while we waited. It was fun, we each got one trivia question wrong, and I actually think that the makers of the game are wrong, but that's just me. Finally at midnight we bought our movies.
We each bought two. The Borders Limited Edition version and the regular two disk edition. The Limited edition comes in an awesome case with a stack of pictures with a metallic hue to them. It is pretty cool.
Buddy was pretty bummed that I did'nt wait to get the Blu Ray version. It must be a guy thing, because I honestly can't tell the difference. I mean when he updgraded to HD I couldn't tell the difference either. I can, however tell you the differene between regular and italian leather. That's more my speed. I'll let Buddy have his gadgets, as long as he lets me have mine. (and by gadgets, I mean like T.V.'s, welders, tools, phones, not the Camaro that you want, so don't get any ideas and go pre-order it, ok?.)
I got home at around 12:30 and watched my movie while I packed up Kai's dance stuff for her competiton in the morning. I still had to fix her headpiece. I stayed up until three in the morning, and I had to be up by six. (I had to watch the deleted and extended scenes, duh.) Kai had to be at the theater by 8:30. Needless to say, with a start like that, Saturday was looking to be a looooong day.
I'm so glad you stopped by my blog!!
I'm totally going to rent that movie because I've heard SOOOO much about it! People I know have read the books, and it seems that everyone likes the same guy! LOL!
You must have been super tired, but I totally understand wanting to watch the movie when you got home!!!
I hope you're having a great day!!!!!