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One more post

I know I have talked about the Kindle before. But, I just have to mention something else. Last week, Amazon added a Kindle application to the IPhone. I swear, technology. Basically, for any Kindle owner that has an IPhone, you can transfer any Kindle book purchases to your IPhone. And you can read your books on your IPhone too! So, I tried it, and it works! I didn't even have to take my Kindle with me on my trip, all I needed was my phone. I was able to read my books on the plane, and in some of the long lines at Disneyland. Amazing. And, when you turn on your Kindle, it automatically asks you if you want it to the last page that you read on your phone. Crazy... So if you have and IPhone, and a Kindle, be sure and download this application. I gurantee that you will like it.

Kindle asking me if I want it to go to last page read on IPhone.
And this is what it the screen looks like on IPhone.

And, while I was on the flight to LA. I nice girl was sitting next to me, she was reading my phone over my shoulder. She recognized that the book was New Moon. She told me that she was also a fan of the Twilight series. And she asked me if I had read books by Charlaine Harris. I said no, and she reccomended them to me. She says that they are about vampires as well. It is also a series. She says that she likes the Twilight ones better, but that she started reading them after she had read the Twilight series. You can check out this authors website here. I am going to download the first book, and tell you what I think. That is, when I finish reading the Twilight series for the fourth time. I am barely on New Moon.

Oh, and there is a rumor on the Twilight forums that Stephenie Meyer is considering finishing Midnight Sun. I really hope that she does. I have read and re-read the 264 pages of it and I can't believe that it ends right before the meadow scene. Oh please, finish it. My Edwards perspective is so much better.


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