So here I am at work on a Friday. Why do I have to work on Friday? Oh right...because I was off on Monday and Tuesday. This is really my Wednesday, so stop complaining Neisha. I'm sitting here thinking that today is the last day of Spring Break for the monsters that I left at home this morning. Monsters?? Yes, that is what Buddy and I call them. Only just now am I brave enough to admit it. We also have a little monster which is aka Chanel. Anyways, I'm thinking about all the house work that I HAVE to do this weekend and picturing all of the funner alternatives. Hummmm.
Then again, if I happen to finish the house work. That would mean that my week would start out good. Or not? I am determined to have my mornings run smooth. Let me think...when was the last time that I had a smooth morning?
still thinking....
Nothings coming to me. Sadly, it's been that long.
In vision this:
Alarm goes off at 6:30 half an hour later than it should. Nachito needs to be at school by 7:40. (I should have changed that alarm clock back in October.) I jump up, fully aware that I am already half an hour late. I run around waking up the monsters while the little monster is at my feet like a drill sergeant, waiting to dig into Nachitos heels. I scramble all over the house to get the clothes together. (yes, I could pick it out at night, but that would be way to easy.) As I run up the stairs, I have to wake the youngest of the monsters, who has fallen back asleep wrapped like a taco in his blanket on the stairs. The oldest of the monsters is patiently looking at herself in the mirror, just looking at herself. Not combing her hair, not brushing her teeth. "Hello...wake-up!" I send them off to make sure that back packs are packed, teeth are brushed, shoes are found, while I iron their clothes. (yes, I know, another thing that could be done the night before. I get it , I get it.)
When, they are dressed and ready, I send them off to get something for breakfast. (No, I didn't have the time to make Mickey shaped pancakes, I'm not Martha Stewart after all.) I start to get ready and I look at the clock, dang, no time for make-up again. We run out the door, literly, run out the door. And after all that chaos, Nachito is there at 7:43. Three minutes late. OK, think of an excuse for the "tardy lady" quick. I dare not go in with him. I don't want to meet the "tardy lady". Who by now probably doesn't want to meet me either. I then drop Kai off, she is early, lucky duck. And by the time I reach Starbucks, my blood pressure is back to normal, sometimes. And once I have my hot Venti Non-fat Caramel Macchiato in my eager hands, I'm off for a day at work.
So, what did I learn from this post?
1. I need to change the alarm clock asap.
2. Pick out and iron clothes the night before. (It's a stretch, but I'll try.)
3. Try to make pancakes for kids maybe ONCE a week (give me a break, I'm trying here.)
4. Get Nachito to school on time so that I don't have to fear the "tardy lady". (Who knew I was such a chicken.) and last, but not least.
5. Never, never not have that hot Venti Non-fat Carmel Macchiato. (wink, wink, devilish smile etc. etc.)
So will I have a "smooth" morning on Monday? I'll let you know.