What do I do when I can't sleep? I surf! No, not the water run into shark kind of surfing. I surf the Internet. And when I surf, I find cool websites like this one. Which carries the coolest things like these!

Lace packaging tape?? How cute is that?

And speaking of tapes, do we all remember cassette tapes? Having to rewind or forward to listen to that favorite song. Oh how about living in Arizona and leaving your cassettes in your car, only to find them melted. : ( Our children have no idea what cassette tapes are. They just push a button to listen to their favorite song. Actually, they can carry their whole music collection on their Ipod. We had to have cases for our music. How times have changed.
And, and, just yesterday as I surfed, I was on the Apple website and they came out with a new shuffle. It is tiny! It is the size of a key. It's crazy! Pretty soon, it will just fit in your ear. Check out the new shuffle here.