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Last, but not least

I was tagged by Baby Bees Boutique with this Passionate Blogger button. Thanks for thinking of me. I am to write about five things that I am passionate about.


As the years go by, I realize just how much my family means to me. Not just my immediate family, but my family in general.

Just last week, by mothers brother, my Tio Pilingy was air vac'd to Tucson Medical Center and underwent a double bypass surgery on Friday. It was scary, but thankfully he is recovering quite well. I realized that my family is everything to me and that I am grateful to have them in my life. My Tio Pilingy has been like a second father to us. He has always been there for us, even before our dad passed away. My mom and him are so close, and I'm thankful that he is doing better. I am passionate about my kids because they too, are passionate people. They enjoy life to the fullest, and even though, sometimes my patience wears thin with them, I am thankful that they are healthy and that I have the honor of raising them.


Without friends, there would be no late night conversations, no gossiping (shame on me right), and no fun entertaining dinners. Friends are their to listen to you when you have those moments when your patience runs thin with your kids. And you feel so much better, because you realize that their patience runs thin too! You realize that you are not alone in this crazy world of being a mommy. You can listen to their lives and learn from their experiences and learn what they are passionate about too!


I love to read! I love to take a book, read it, and go where someones imagination allowed me to travel. I admire writers and the words that they so eloquently put on paper for all of us to enjoy. They are creative, romantic, adventurous and so much more. Reading is much more fulfilling than watching something on t.v. I do enjoy when books are turned into movies or t.v. dramas because I like to compare how my imagination was so close, or so different from someone else's.


I love to shop! Seriously? Yes, I know I should be ashamed about being passionate about shopping, but sorry, I'm not. I love to go into stores and see all the new merchandise. I love to devour magazines and dream about the products and accessories. I like the smell of leather when you stand in the middle of the shoe department and in the handbag section. I love to walk into a cosmetic section and see the make-up artist with someone in their chair. I love coming home with my new products and carefully opening the boxes and adding them to my make-up collection. I love what it feels like the first day that the mall has hung up the holiday decorations and walking by the line for Santa with shopping bags in hand.


Love means never having to say your sorry. Taken right out of the movie Love Story. How true is that saying? When you love someone, you shouldn't always feel the need to say sorry. We all make mistakes. I make mistakes every day of my life. I have no problem admitting when I make one. No one is perfect, and we shouldn't expect everyone else to be perfect either. Why is it so easy to forgive yourself for a mistake you make and expect someone else to forgive you. And in return make it so hard when someone else makes a mistake. Chances are, that you made that very same mistake at one point in your life. As a parent, it is so easy to fall into the same routine that your parents had. Say the same exact words to discipline that were used on you. Maybe even words that you swore you wouldn't use. So much so, that when you utter them, you have to pause out of deja vu. And, if those words were said to you, it was most likely because you made a mistake. Did you learn from it? Probably, and your kids will learn from it too. I am learning to LOVE unconditionally and to not expect too much out of people. That everyone does what they have to to get by. That people are not intentionally malicious and that at night, people might have the same guilty feelings about something they have done. I'm going to learn to LOVE not judging people. To LOVE people for who they are. And that in order for your kids to LOVE you, you have to LOVE yourself first. And that they don't need to say sorry for every little mistake, because you do LOVE them and they LOVE you too!


More Than Words said…
Aww..those were great to read!!

I'm glad your uncle is doing good! My father in law had a quadruple bypass almost 12 years ago so I know how scary that can be!!!


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