Two more important events have been crossed off my list. My little boy made his First Holy Communion, and his Confirmation on Saturday. That morning as Buddy and I got him dressed, it was an honor to know that he was on his way to be a part of the Catholic Church, and that he would be receiving Communion for the first time. On the other hand, I was sad, sad because he was growing up so fast. These are the events that you look forward to as parents. You think about them, and yet it seems like it will be forever until they actually happen. But time goes by much to fast and that day does eventually come. The Catholic church changed the rules a few years ago and incorporated two sacraments into one day. For Kai, she had her Communion, and the following year, her Confirmation. Nachito did both on the same day.
He was so very excited for this day to come, he talked about it a lot. He picked his shirt, his tie, and his shoes. I may be a little biased, but I think he looked oh so handsome in his suit. He even wanted a little bit of cologne. (hand on heart) My little boy is growing up. His Uncle Fernie sponsored him for Confirmation, and now he is nino Fernie. Although Nachito asked him if he could still call him Uncle Fernie.
On top of it being an important day for Nachito, it was also nice because everyone from our family was in attendance. Thank you so much for coming and making Nachito's day even more special. Family is so important, and he was thrilled that everyone came.
Thank yous go out to BJ for embroidering his banner, which was beautiful. His nina De for buying him his shoes. His nina Cristina for getting him his boutonniere. Nana Bambo for making the food, it was delicious. Nino Oscar for making the salsa and for bringing the tortillas from Mexico, you can't have Mexican food with American made tortillas. Cristina, De and Nubs for helping me set up the appetizer table and for being patient with my OCDness. And everyone else, for coming and enjoying the day with us...THANK YOU!!!!
And ugh..why did I have to look at those cakes while I'm PMS'ing???!!