Shawn and Kris!
I have to admit, I was very disappointed that Shawn beat Gilles on DWTS. I really wanted him to win. I think that he worked real hard for it and he deserved it. That's what happens when people don't vote. Regardless, Gilles did great and in the end, so did Shawn.
The Idol Show was as amazing as ever. I loved it from start to finish. I loved Kris's performance with Keith Urban and Adam with KISS was amazing. I was happy for Kris, and also for Adam because I know he will sign a record deal and do great in his genre. All the performances were awesome.
Fergie and the Black Eyed Peas were my favorite. And no, not just because I absolutely loved her shoes. Well, yes, because I absolutely loved her shoes! I really, really liked them. So I did what I do, and I found them on the Internet. Here is a picture of them. And this is the closest I will ever get to them, because they are Christian Louboutin and really, who can afford them?Fergie of course. I won't even post the price, that is how ridiculously expensive they are.

Aren't they so cool?? They also have a 5 1/2 inch heel. Wow! See, now I don't feel so bad that I can't have them. There is noooo way I could walk, much less dance in a 5 1/2 inch heel.
Oh, and was the bikini girl segment hillarious or what? Go Kara!!!
Good Night!! Until next year Idol and until next season DWTS.
So You Think You Can Dance here we go......