to tune in tonight to American Idol and Dancing With the Stars.

Ahhh, how cute.
And then there is American Idol. I can't wait until tonight to get to see the showdown. Like I've said before, I really don't care who wins this time. I like them both. I just love the last two shows. I like to hear the song that they both have to sing, and it's usually so different from one singer to the next. I also like to see when they bring back all the Top 20. And, then on Thursday...So You Think You Can Dance!!! I love it! Some people don't like the first few episodes because it is a lot like American Idol where they feature really bad dancers. I like that part, because it talks about good technique and dance skills. That just helps to reiterate to me that Kassie is getting a good dance education. Then, like Idol, they go down to the Top 20 and it's all fun and games from there. I can't wait, tune in people, don't let me be the only reality show junkie. And on that note, yes, I did watch the premiere of the Bachelorette. I had to, it was on after DWTS and I wasn't in the mood to change the channel. I doubt that I will watch the rest of the episodes, but I will jump on the bandwagon and watch the Final Rose ceremony....why not?And last, can someone please tell me how I can stop myself from eating these??????? I can't stop, I love them! Everyday, I eat them. When I run out, I walk to Target next door and buy some more. And, I've gotten so bad, that I hide them in my drawer at work, because if someone comes in my office to talk to me, they see my Hot Tamales and they help themselves, and I can't stand it. Help?
