Leading up to Fridays, I get excited about posting Flashback Friday pictures. Then of course, I get super busy at work and time just passes by. Then when I start looking through pictures, I can't decide. This week, I found this picture and decided to post about it. This picture was taken in February of 1989. I was in the court for a friends Quinceanera. Obviously since it was in February, she chose red, and I'm sorry...these horrible dresses and head pieces.

Buddy and I had started out as best friends. We were confidants. He would tell me his woes and I would tell him mine. Of course, I was only 15 and he was 17. Our woes were really nothing major. Nonetheless, we could confide in each other. A lot had happened in our "teenage romances" and we realized that we liked each other. On this day, he looked passed the dress, the hair, and the headpiece and we started dating. I love that a friend of his mom's happened to snap this picture. How lucky are we to have this picture to remind us of that night.
February 1993 our engagement pictures

Buddy and I had started out as best friends. We were confidants. He would tell me his woes and I would tell him mine. Of course, I was only 15 and he was 17. Our woes were really nothing major. Nonetheless, we could confide in each other. A lot had happened in our "teenage romances" and we realized that we liked each other. On this day, he looked passed the dress, the hair, and the headpiece and we started dating. I love that a friend of his mom's happened to snap this picture. How lucky are we to have this picture to remind us of that night.

On October 30, 1992 Buddy asked me to marry him, I was only 18 years old. Well, I was 19 days away from being 19 to be exact. Still, very young. And even then, people had their concerns about us getting married so young. I knew in my heart, that it was what I wanted. I think that I was very mature for my age, and I never felt that I missed out on anything. If I could go back, I would do it all over again. And, please by no means am I trying to sugarcoat anything. We have had hard times, we still do, but we made a promise to work through tough times, and we have. And we will continue to do so. It's been 20 years since that first picture was taken. A lot has happened since then, but I know that if you ask Buddy, his feelings are like mine. And the two biggest accomplishments that we have had are the two little faces that are in the picture below. The little girl with the missing teeth that stole our hearts when she was born, and the little boy that wrapped a string around our fingers. Our lives revolve around them, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Our stories are so similar! I met my hubby in 1988, but we got married in 1996. In between those years was alot of garbage, but thank God it is all in the past and we left it in the past!!