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Itchy, red, peeling, and painful

Ok, so, I work at a Dr.s office (for those of you that didn't know). I happen to be the office manager of this said office and with that comes some perks. Recently my employer decided that he and one of the physician assistants would start an aesthetic clinic at the office. My job was to help in the setting up of bank accounts, LLC's, credit card terminals, etc. etc.

The services being offered are Botox, Juvaderm, Microdermabrasion, Latisse, and last but not least Chemical Peels. We also carry a great line of skincare by IMAGE. It is really awesome, and it's organic. I have been trying the IMAGE line for a few weeks now and I have to say that I love it, and I have cheated on Estee Lauder (face down, with a little tiny pout). Shame on me. But the prices are a lot better, (big, big, smile on my face) and the product smells delicious.

Someone once told me that when you work in an office that does treatments of this sort, that you start to get addicted to them. I, of course already having a problem with addictions, am already hooked on some treatments. Oh and by the way, my addictions have nothing to do with anything illegal. Just your normal shopping, Starbucks, Twilight, you know, things like that.

So, I first started with Microdermabrasion. I really liked it, it made my face nice and soft. Then the next time my Microdermabrasion was due, I was like, "How about a chemical peel while I'm at it?" Kristina, our PA said sure. She did my Microdermabrasion, and right after that a "light peel". The results...........itchy, red, peeling, and painful face. So call me a masochist, because I LOVE IT!!! I can already see a huge difference. My skin is so soft. I know that in a few days, my skin will look like new and I'm already asking when my next treatment is.

I have not ventured into the Botox, or dermal fillers yet, but you never know. If you are interested in any products, or any treatments, check out the Perfect Skin Tempe website by clicking on the link below. And then you can be addicted too!


More Than Words said…'re so funny!!

I think I would be one of those addicts too if I worked there!!

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