The tag line for my blog says a lot. I see life through my set of eyes, and I live life the best way that I can, and I try to enjoy it as much as humanly possible. So, why is it that sometimes I feel like I'm in a rut?
The past five days, have been pretty normal I guess.
Fast Forward to Monday...
This is what I got. A flipping Root Canal. Not fun, by no means. Today, Thursday, still in pain. Not as bad as Tuesday and a little better than Wednesday, but still pain. I know some people will read this and say, "What a baby." No, really I have a high pain tolerance. I have had four surgeries, and never took one pain pill. This Root Canal, has forced me to take pain medication and it didn't even touch the surface of the pain. I'm better now though. Although I can tell you this, there will be no more Root Canals in my future. : )
The past five days, have been pretty normal I guess.
Sunday was Mother's Day, I was able to sleep in, while Buddy and the kids cooked me breakfast and served it to me in bed. It was sweet. Eggs, toast, hash browns, bacon (more on that later) and hot cakes. Wonderful cards from Kai and Nachito. A trip to the mall, but I was in a window shopping mood, rather than a purchasing mood. Then met up with Mike, Holly and Maya for a movie (Ghosts of Girlfriends past) which we were 20 minutes late to, because Kai was having her hair done at Toni & Guy, and they took foooorrrreeevvveeerrr. After the movie, we went to Yogurtini and decided to experience the Light Rail. It was interesting to say the least. We picked it up on Rural and took it all the way down to Jefferson and 3rd street. Overall, it was a lot of fun. We can at least say that we rode the light rail.

Kai and Maya on the Light Rail
Ok, back to the bacon. In August, Buddy and I will have been married for 16 years. In those 16 years of marriage, I have never, ever, eaten a piece of bacon. I don't like any form of a pig. No ham, pork chops etc.... So, I was nice, I ate my breakfast, all but the toast and the eggs that happened to be touching the bacon. I thanked him for breakfast. Then he says "You didn't even eat your bacon." HELLO.....when have you seen me eat bacon?? I was being nice, I wasn't going to mention it. Has this ever happened to anyone else? Have you lived with someone this long, and they have never noticed something as important as this. It's funny now, but at the time....not so much.

Maybe having had this root canal made me feel like I was in a rut, well boo hoo. Because late last night, I found this blog, and my heart hurt for this family. And, it made me think, that somewhere else, someone else, is having a harder time than me. So, sometimes reading about tragic events in someone else's life, helps put your life into perspective. It made me want to hug my babies. To thank God for their health. It made me appreciate Buddy, as he is on his what feels like 10 straight day of work, because he is such a hard worker and never even complains. All to send his precious daughter to NYC for the summer. I have hardly seen him in the past week, yet he gets home from a hard nights work, and sets his alarm so that he can wake up with plenty of time to pick the kids up at school and take Kai to dance. It's no wonder he didn't remember that I don't like bacon. Duh, what was I thinking? I'm sorry Buddy. You are forgiven.
From now on, I will try to not take life for granted. I will try to abide by my blog tag line and be grateful to God for all that I have.
Onto another topic. Remember this post about American Idol. I was pretty close, don't you think? Next week will be a don't want to miss T.V. week. Finals for both American Idol and Dancing With The Stars. For Idol, I've grown to really like Chris, so if he or Adam win, I will be very happy either way. (sorry Patti) And, Patti and I did happen to buy tickets to the Idol tour that will take place on July 20th. We got awesome seats. It will be a lot of fun. And while I'm on the topic of concerts, can I just say that I love P!NK and I also got great tickets to see her on September 20th!!! Can't wait.
Dancing With The Stars...I want Giles to win. I really do. I think he is an awesome dancer, but I think he is such a nice person. He calls into John Jay and Rich every week, and he couldn't be nicer. He talks about his wife and kids a lot. He talks about how grateful his is for all the opportunities that have been given to him, he is genuine. I will be voting for him for sure!
Tomorrow.............Flashback Friday! I have not done it for the past two Fridays, so I plan on catching up tomorrow.
It's amazing how many lives we get a peek into just through blogging. We get to share a little bit of laughs, sorrow, and unimaginable pain!! It does put things in perspective for me too. To be content w/ all that I have. It can be taken away in a blink of an eye.
HUGS, girl!