This past weekend was the end of the Regional conventions for NYCDA. Phoenix is always their last stop. Now, it's time to get ready for Nationals!! I am bummed, because I usually have tons of pictures to post, and this time, I only have a few. Maybe it's because I was completely exhausted by the time the convention rolled around. You see, I have a stack of imaginary "Stupid Cards". I use them quite frequently. That's just who I am. I am a control freak, and I think everyone knows it. When asked by Holly to help with the costumes for a dance called Locomotion, I immediately said yes, I love to do this stuff. This is where my "Stupid Cards" come in. I always have moms ask me if I need help with anything, and I, always say "NO". Why? Because I'm a control freak!!! I'm trying, I'm really trying not to be.
We found the perfect jumpsuit at Forever 21 all it needed was some rhinestones and some cute accessories. Unfortunately, everyone else fell in love with this jumpsuit because we could not find enough of them. I tried every location. Holly and I even drove out to Arrowhead mall to try and get them. Sadly, we had to try and find something else. Holly had a vision, and I know how it is to have a vision and want it to stay that way. I finally begged and pleaded with my mom and my sister to please make the jumpsuits for this number. I only needed ten. They agreed, but we were cutting it close on time. So, they sewed and brought me costumes last weekend.
I took them down to studio to see if they fit before I started rhinestoning. I rhinestoned one gross per costume, making it ten gross total. I added belts and buckles to each costume (which I had to hand sew onto each costume) and a rhinestone band to the hats (which I had to add an extra ribbon to, because I could not get the glue off from the previous band that was there, and I had to disguise it.) I made elastic garters to hold up their tube socks and added rhinestones to them. I was still working on these costumes on Saturday at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and the competition was to start at 4. I had only slept for about 12 hours from Wednesday to Friday. I still had to sew the garters together and add clear elastic to the hats so that they would stay on.
This is when it occurred to me that I was out of "Stupid Cards" and I gathered what was left to do, I let go of my control issues and took off to the convention center to see if some of the moms would help. And, of course they did. Janna, Kathy and Christie all gladly helped me finish my project. It was nice to sit around and chat while we finished.
So, what did I learn from this situation? If I took on another project like this again, I would
1. Make sure I had plenty of time.
2. Try to get some sleep.
3. If someone asks if I need help, to say YES, YES, and YES!!!!
Now back to the origin of this story. I have no pictures to show you of this costume, because I was too exhausted to pull out my camera, and my fingers were sore from hand sewing to push down on the camera. So I stole a picture from Jenna's FB and hopefully someone did take pictures of Locomotion and they will be kind enough to send them to me. And that my friends is the story behind "Stupid Cards."