Joining in with Alicia again. Head on over to her blog to participate. You can get there by clicking here.
As promised, I will countdown Kai's birthdays parties every Friday from now on until we reach her 13th Birthday.
Come join in Disney fun as
Kassandra Paulyna turns one!
Saturday, September 6, 1997

At the time, we lived in Douglas, and parties in Douglas tend to be pretty big. We rented a dance hall and invited over 150 guests. Yes, I know...crazy. In keeping with the Disney theme, we decorated 30 tables with 15 different Disney movie's. Each table had a center piece to correspond with the movie. I painted a large picture of Simba without a tail and played pin the tail on Simba. The kids played musical chairs to the music from the Electric Light Parade. They went fishing in Ariel's grotto. And hit the castle piñata. My mom and I made Mickey and Minne shaped candy bags out of felt. I painted them, and she sewed them together. This next part is crazy, believe me, I know. That summer, the movie Hercules came out in theaters. McDonalds Happy Meals had a Hercules toy in it, so I pre-paid all the Happy Meals in July so that they could save me all the Hercules toys for her party in September. That afternoon, we went and picked up the Happy Meals, and they all had Hercules toys in them. : )
It was a lot of fun, and Kassie really did enjoy it. She greeted every single person. She was so friendly, every time we turned around, she was sitting in someone else's lap. That night, she did not want to take her Minnie dress off, so we let her sleep in it. It was also the last morning that she had a bottle. I knew she would be a busy body and so I gave her, her last bottle the morning of and never again. It was nice. I can't believe how time flys and that my little girl is going to be 13. I wouldn't mind going back to that day.
*On another sad note, that morning as Cristina and I were finishing the last minute details for the party, Princess Diana's funeral was playing on the t.v. It's crazy the things you start to remember.
How did you ever top that party with the other birthdays? :o)
Thank you so much for sharing! Love the cake too, and she was adorable in her outfit!!!!