Although today is Father's Day, in my opinion, it is always Father's Day. For I have one wonderful husband, and he is a wonderful Father. From day one, he has taken his role very serious. Buddy was never one to not change a diaper, or wake up in the middle of the night with me. As a matter of fact, he ruined Kai when she was a baby. He let her sleep with us, and we didn't get her out of our bed until she was eight. And, sometimes, she manages to sneak in even to this day. Nachito isn't any better.
There is nothing he won't do for these two. He has a close relationship with both of them. I think it helps that he is their "Buddy". And I'm the wicked mom. I'm the one that says no to everything. He rarely says no. And I MEAN rarely. When he tries to be tuff, they practically laugh in his face. And then he wants me to fix it. Too late "Buddy".
When coming up with a gift for Buddy, I never know what he really wants. He throws ideas here and there. I was rather touched this morning when he said that Kai had given him his gift early. He had seen her at her dance recital, and he was very happy with her performance. When he talked to her today, he told her that she had danced so well, and that was his Father's day present. (hand on heart)
I had all intentions to cook him a nice dinner and spend the evening with him. When the kids talked to him, they begged him to tell me not to cook. : ( Yikes, I must be really bad. Then I suggested dinner, and he said he just wanted to grill and be home. So my poor husband, grilled and made us dinner on his day. When he served us, he said "This is what I like to do, and this is how I wanted to spend Father's Day." So Buddy, thank you, thank you for being the wonderful Father and husband that you are. We wouldn't have it any other way. We LOVE you!!!
Please take the pic no problem!
Thx Bye!
LOL..our older kids slept in our bed till that age too!!! Now, my little girl does!