Kai and Tori
Another recital, and another end of a dance season for the dancers at TDA. It's hard to believe that another recital has come and gone. It was a great show. No fire alarms went off, the air conditioning worked and the kids did amazing. I again, have no pictures of Kai with any of her costumes because I left my camera on the charger.
Fortunately Kai was in only 11 dances as opposed to the 14 I initially thought. Don't get me wrong, 11 is a lot, but 14 is way worse. The last time she was in 14 numbers, I was a wreck. Her numbers were so close together, that I barely got her on stage in time. And that year the air conditioning was not working, this is Phoenix remember. Her costumes were literally stuck to her and getting a new one on was close to impossible. At one point the back of one was twisted and tangled and I was almost in tears. I had two other moms helping me. They were not easy changes. This year, Kai was able to change on her own. I only went backstage to help her get her hair in a bun for ballet. Other than that, she did it on her own. I was very proud of her. She even managed to get her pointe shoes on with only one number in between.
And speaking of pointe shoes. I happened to ruin hers the night before recital. Poor kid, she couldn't even get on the box. What do I know? Apparently nothing about adding Jet Glue to pointe shoes. Next time, I will ask for help.
So, recital may be over, but rehearsals for NYC are in full swing. We leave in exactly two weeks!