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A wee bit tired...

and I don't mind at all. This morning, well I guess last night and this morning I granted my nine year old son a favor. He has been wanting to see the new Transformers movie since they announced a sequel. He loves the first one and watches it over and over. I have to admit, I love it too, and I will watch it with him over and over too. I had promised to take him to the midnight show, and believe me, he didn't forget. All day yesterday that is all he talked about.

Both Kai and Nachito spent the afternoon at a birthday party and played on a water slide for hours. I thought that for sure, he would be so tired and we'd have to skip the midnight show. Oh no, not my kid. By 10 o'clock last night he was anxious. He couldn't sit still and quite honestly, was driving me crazy. I finally just gave up and jumped in the car and headed down to the theater. It was pretty intense. Parking was hard to come by and the lines were pretty ridiculous. Fortunately and I had ordered our tickets online prior to leaving the house. We were assigned a theater and I found us some seats. I went to grab our snacks and we waited, and waited.

Finally the trailers started. Nachito was so fidgety. I asked him if he was tired and he said "No, I'm just so excited, I can't wait." And at about 12:30 the movie finally started. It was worth the wait. Very exciting and a lot of explosions. A lot of twists and turns. If you liked the first one, you will love this one too. When it ended, he clapped and had the biggest smile on his face. We got home past three in the morning.

Nachito fell asleep the minute his head touched his pillow/teddy. And as I left the house this morning on four hours of sleep, I checked in on him. He had a smile on his face as he slept. And I left with a smile on my face, for even though today will be rough for me, I know that I will remember our movie date forever.


Mel said…
You are an awesome Momma! I love it! :)
Anonymous said…
Nachito is so LUCKY to have YOU as his MOMMY!!! Elda

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