Oh my, I can't believe that it's Friday already. First, I need to apologize for being a horrible blog reader this week. My goal is catch up on all my blog reading this weekend. I have been so crazy busy this week. I guess it's to be expected since I was gone for so long. On Monday morning, I could barely even find my desk. It's better now, but I still have lots to do. I almost forgot to do my Flashback Friday. I did leave the past two Friday's scheduled before I left, so at least those were done.

Kassie's 6th Birthday Party
Saturday, September 21, 2002
Polar Ice
Kassie had just started taking Ice Skating lessons, and so of course she wanted her party at the ice rink. She LOVED the Disney Princess's and so of course, that was her theme. She invited all her friends from school, and they had a blast. Unfortunately since they were so little, not many of them last on the ice much. Except for Kassie of course. She loved ice skating. My mom had even bought her, her own pair of ice skates. Luckily she took up dancing instead, because I have heard that Ice Skating is much more expensive than dance. Phew.... It was also nice to not have a party at home and not have to deal with the clean-up. 

Next weeks theme: Lizzie Mcguire at the roller rink.
There was princess merchandise all over the place. lol