Kassie's 7th Birthday
Saturday, September 13, 2003
Skateland U.S.A.

As it goes with kids, Kai quickly gave up on the Ice Skating and moved on over to roller skating. So, she picked
Skateland for the location of her 7
th birthday party. For a theme, she LOVED Lizzie McGuire. And I do mean LOVED. I can honestly say that I can recite the words to "The
Lizzie McGuire Movie". She watched it 24/7. We saw it at theaters too many times to remember. We even kept seeing it when it hit the dollar theater. Above are the invitations that I made for the party. The information was printed on white vellum and tied together with a tulle bow. We made the felt candy bags of Lizzie's face. I had a Lizzie cake made at Fry's, and other than that,
Skateland took care of all the rest. The kids had a great time skating and playing video games. Notice the hulk plates on the tables. Kassie made me buy those because she said that the boys in her class were not going to want Lizzie plates. So we had both. She let
Nachito pick them out, and since he loved Hulk at the time, that is what he picked.

Kai enjoying her party.

Kai announcing a song at the DJ stand.
Ok, now I have to tell this story because well.....it really is a funny story. So you see this little three year old with that Hulk that is his size? Maybe a bit bigger when the skates come off. That little three year old is
Nachito. He skated for a while, and then Buddy won him that Hulk. He was thrilled!!
And as it so happens at birthday parties. You get busy serving cake, opening presents etc. etc. Buddy should have been watching this said three year old, but somehow, he managed to escape onto to roller rink, in tennis, and with Hulk. All of a sudden, the place is howling in laughter, and bodies are falling like bowling pins on the rink. We look around, and all you see is this small green Hulk running into people. (He was body slamming these people with Hulk) Some people see him with time and avoid him, some are not so fortunate. Obviously the people laughing were part of the audience, not the skaters. Buddy and I look at each other in horror. "You go get him". "No, you go get him". Neither one of us wanted to claim "Hulk". Finally my niece ran after him, and caught "The Hulk" and he was done with his destruction, but not after a few casualties. And now, after so many years, it is a funny story.
Next weeks theme: Diva Rock Star Party
We love the roller rink here, too! So much fun AND great exercise!!
Hey, how was NY?????