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NYC Day 1

Kai at airport, waiting to board

July 8, 2009

Ok, so when we travel, we don't fly First Class, it's coach for us, all the way. Not only do we fly coach, but I usually buy our tickets through Expedia, Orbitz, or in this case, Travelocity. With that being said, your flight times are pretty limited. I hate layovers, so in order to have a direct flight, we had to leave Phoenix at 6:40 a.m. Ouch... Buddy dropped Kai and I off at Sky Harbor, and we were on our way. First thing that went wrong, was that Terminal 4 did not have a Starbucks....what? Are you kidding? Not good, especially at six in the morning. So Coffee Bean it was. Not my favorite by a long shot. But it was caffeine nonetheless. Then, our flight was delayed due to crew rest. Oh great...glad we didn't have a connecting flight. We finally boarded, and I being the good mother that I am (cough, cough) let Kai have the window seat. I, sat in the middle and my passenger to the left, was a sweet older man. Except, he was a TALKER!! NOOOOO, not for five hours...please. Don't get me wrong, I like to talk, but not on a plane for five hours and having to turn my head to the left the whole time. Luckily he pulled out a magazine and I quickly put on my head phones and paid for the in flight t.v service. Ahhhh. And, I did end up talking to the sweet older man for the last half hour of our flight. Not too bad. Other than that, flight was pretty uneventful. We landed in Newark only a half hour late.

Our roomies, Karen and Tatum were flying US Airways and should have been about an hour behind us, but I wasn't sure if they had made the flight. (Karen's husband is a pilot for US Airways, which means that they fly standby. Sometimes, they get bumped.) The plans were to share a taxi into the city. When we landed I turned my phone on, and I had no messages from Karen or Tatum. We waited around for a little bit, and I finally got a text that they had just gotten on the flight, see you in five hours. Well, to me that meant five hours from now. So, I told Kai, we were on our own. As we were walking out to hail a cab, a driver offered to help. He said Taxi and we said yes. Pretty soon, we were following him to the parking structure. When we arrived at his vehicle, it was a Town Car. I freaked, Kai and I looked at each other. I asked him, "Are you a cab?" "No, I'm a limo driver" he said. "Oh, ok.." I took my phone out and I took a picture of his license plate and he laughed. He quickly showed me his chofer's license and paperwork. Sorry, but I have to be a bit paranoid before you just jump into someones car. (And yes Buddy, I did not mention this to you because I know how you are.) As we were driving, I got another text from Karen. Just landed, waiting for a gate. Oh no....she did get on flight, my text just came late. We were almost in NY already.

Our driver dropped us off at our hotel, and was very nice. Laughed at me again, for having taken a picture of his license plate. We did not check in, because we decided to wait for Karen and Tatum. We were starving, so we left our luggage in Holly and Mike's room. First on Maya's agenda, was some earrings and socks from the M&M store. We walked a few blocks and Maya bought her earrings and socks. We took in Times Square and thought of where to go for dinner.

We decided on a restaurant that I had read about called Alice's Tea Cup. It was located on the Upper East side. We walked as far as we could, then hailed a bike cab. It was a cute little restaurant who specialized in tea's. The decorations were very antique. The tables were old sewing tables with the peddle still on them. They served you tea in very antique tea pots and tea cups. And, and, they had very good cupcakes too!

After dinner, we walked around for a bit, and headed towards Dylan's Candy Bar. A favorite of Kai and Maya. It had changed a little from the last time. It now had a cafe inside too. The girls bought candy and just explored. It really is an adorable store. Very well thought out.

After leaving Dylan's, we slowly walked back to the hotel. We went ahead and checked in, and went to our room. Karen and Tatum had gone to dinner in Little Italy. We unpacked and got ready for bed. When Karen and Tatum arrived, we chatted for a while, and then went to bed. All in preparation for what was to be a very busy 10 days.


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