Please, I need to find time to blog. I'm sick that I have not finished my blogging about our trip. And things have been happening that I have not had a chance to document. I'm right in the middle of planning two birthday parties, a brunch bridal shower, helping out with a baby shower, and two weddings. All very exciting stuff. I'm a little more than obsessed with these projects. All of which will be great, and no, not because I'm helping out, just because. My brain is favor and decoration ridden. I have so many ideas that now I just need to focus and narrow stuff down. For now, I'm very excited that I found new moon party supplies. They are not available just yet, but they will be just in time for the party. I am only ordering a few because I had already purchased some other stuff. I think they are adorable. I guess I could do without Jacob in them, but oh well.
I changed the date of my party because my friend Cristina's rehearsal dinner is scheduled on the 19th. (No worries, it will be done with plenty of time to go see new moon at midnight.) I have changed the date to November 14th, a Saturday. That works better, because it gives me more time to decorate etc. I already have the invitations made, I'm just waiting for the jackets to come in and I will post pictures soon. All I can say is that they are DAZZLING......just like my Edward.

Also, the plans for Kai's 13th Birthday Party are in full swing and I have found some pretty cute stuff. Most of which I've kept from her. And again, her invites are ready too, just waiting on some little extras that I ordered from the UK. Pictures will follow soon. I think she will be very happy. Her theme is going to be an evening in PARIS. Yep, a french theme. Black and White Damask with a touch of hot pink. It will be a "little black dress" event. Pink martinis (non alcoholic of course), little appetizers, french crepes etc. etc. I don't want to give too much away because some of Kassie's friends moms read my blog, and I want the girls to be surprised. Ok Karen, Trish and Wendy?
Ok, bye for now, I really need to get ready for work.