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Dear Daddy,

I want a goose that lays golden eggs for Easter. Then Buddy says "And if that goose doesn't lay golden eggs, Daddy's going to buy you a diamond ring. And if that diamond ring won't shine, Daddy's gonna buy you that PUPPY that you want!!" And that is exactly what Buddy did this weekend. He bought his little girl a brand new PUPPY! I was exaggerating about the goose and the diamond ring, but not about the PUPPY.

This is where the story starts. Let's go back two weeks. The culprit of this story, and I blame her, and her only. My friend Holly. Why? She bought her daughter a new PUPPY two weeks ago. On the day that she purchased Tink, we met her at the pet store to help her transport Tink and all of Tinks belongings. She was still signing papers and when we got there.....not only was Tink in the room playing, but also a male Toy Pomeranian. Yes, he was adorable and chubby and funny and well, he was darn right CUTE! And, for Kai it was love at first sight. She wanted him, and she wanted him bad. Of course, I was the wicked mom that said NO.

When we got home she talked to Buddy. She made the sad face and Buddy said YES. Well, I still said NO! The next morning, this letter was waiting for Buddy.

After Buddy read this letter, it was over for me. He said she was getting the Puppy. I had no say after that. The next day, I went to the pet shop to purchase said Puppy. When I got there, the puppy was sick. He had a cold, and I was told that he would be on medication for the next 14 days. That if I bought him, he would have to stay there until he was done with his medications. I saw that as a sign that maybe he wasn't meant to be. I didn't buy the puppy and I went home and talked to Buddy. When Kai got home, we told her that the puppy was sick, and that he had a cold. She was upset, but understood. The next day, and for the next two weeks Kai called the pet shop every chance she got to check on this puppy. Once again, Buddy said she needed the puppy. I finally understood and went in and bought the puppy. We still had to wait a week for him to be able to go home. We did not tell Kai, and she kept calling the pet shop to make sure that he was getting better, and that no one had purchased him.

On Sunday, Holly, Maya and I were able to go there early and set up a banner and balloons. The employees at Puppies N' Love were awesome. They were so excited. After all, they had talked to Kai at least once each. We were there hiding and then Buddy, Kai and Nachito got there. I was able to video tape and so was Buddy. She was so happy, and now I know that she really, really did want this puppy more than anything. And now.....I love him too!

Buddy's View

My View

And, although I know that there are a lot of puppy's without a home at the Humane Society and Dog shelters. And I totally agree with adopting. If you are looking for a full breed puppy and don't want to deal with a breeder directly, I highly recommend Puppies N' Love at Chandler Fashion Center. Joann and all of the staff were absolutley the best!!! They even sang Happy Birthday to Kai as they turned Coco over to her.

And yes, we now have Coco and Chanel and I can't forget Buster, our Golden Retriever. And that's it!! No more puppies for me.


Unknown said…
Cute story Neish, Congratulations to Kai and the rest of the family including your other pets.
Jaime G. Fryer said…
I love it! Congrats to you on another baby! Ha ha! Coco and Chanel have to be the cutest dog names ever! Kai has her daddy wrapped around her finger!
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