Nachito's 3rd Birthday
November 2002
Nachito's 3rd birthday was met with sadness. Initially his birthday party was scheduled on November 9, 2002. His birthday is actually November 8th. At around one o'clock in the morning of the ninth, I received a call from my mom that my grandmother had been taken to the hospital by ambulance. They were scheduled to leave Douglas a few hours later and come to Tempe to celebrate Nachito's birthday.
That night, Nachito had not slept a wink. He was restless and he was fussy. I was up watching t.v and trying to get him to bed. When the phone rang, I answered immediately. My heart dropped. It was a phone call that I did not want. My mom was crying and in my heart, I knew that the next phone call would not be any better. And just as I feared, when the phone rang again two hours later it was what I thought. My beloved grandmother had passed away. I was devastated. I hated the fact that I had not seen her for two weeks. I hated that I lived so far away and I couldn't be there immediately.
As soon as the sun came up, we were ready and packed for Douglas. On our way there, I had to call Jeepers and cancel the party. I tried to reach as many people as possible to let them know that the party had been cancelled. We arrived in Douglas and the next few days were just as bad as when my dad had passed. We were practically raised by our grandmother. My parents built their house in back of hers. We were there every single day. One of these days, I will dedicate a post just to her because she deserves a lot more than just a little snippet on a Flashback Friday about Nachito's birthday.

After a few weeks passed, I re-scheduled his party at Jeepers. His theme that year was Scooby Doo. And just like now, he sets his mind on something and no one can change it. He insisted on it being at Jeepers again.
The following pictures were taken by Buddy on this day. I guess it was important to him to document how bratty our kids were behaving on this day. It was embarrassing. I really can't explain why on this particular day, both of our children were two seconds from time outs. And I have the pictures to prove it.
He seems fine right here.....
Then something is starting to happen about here. Kai is not a happy camper. She was grouchy.

Buddy makes her move out of the pictures. She still puts her head down. We start to sing Happy Birthday and the Birthday boy does this.............

Next weeks theme: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at Makutu's Island
Oh.and LOL about the pictures of your kids! Sometimes they just get in those "moods". It feels embarrassing, but other parents totally understand!
K..I'm linking you up! LOL
The pictures of the sassiness are priceless too!
Thanks for sharing!