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Jam packed or just the NORM?

It's the NORM. And that goes for everyone. Once school starts and the kids get into their routines, it just seems like we are all running around like mad people. Shuttling around from one event to another. School activities to extra curricular activities to family functions it's exhausting, but I wouldn't want it any other way. This weekend was no exception for our family.

I took a half day on Friday so we could get ready to receive a visit from Buddy's parents, sister, and nieces. They traveled here from Douglas to attend the wedding of their niece/cousin. The wedding ceremony was held at St. Timothy's and the reception was at The Regency Garden in Mesa. It was a very nice and beautiful wedding. The bride was gorgeous and the groom very handsome. I loved the bridesmaids dresses. They wore cute all black strapless dresses to add color, they wore bright yellow stilettos. So, so cute!! They each carried small bouquets of bright yellow roses, just enough color. Very, very chic! I can't wait to see the pictures!

The wedding was over early enough for me to join my friends and see............

I really liked it! I'm partial to the original, but it was good enough. Amazing talent in one movie. Gosh, I always wanted to go to a performing arts school. It would have been so cool.

Then, I designed this costume for Kai, Amber and Jillian. They are competing their TRIO in Mobile, Alabama at the end of October. I'm laughing as I type this because Buddy thinks that he is Forrest Gump and every time we talk about our trip to Mobile, Alabama, he talks like Forrest. Anyways, we have to scramble and have this costume made. Luckily I talked to Sandy on Saturday and she is nice enough to take this on with such short notice. I'm going to have to hurry and order rhinestones for it as well. Jillian will be wearing the red, Amber the blue and Kai the black.

The dance is choreographed to the great song "It's About That Walk" from the super talented Prince. Is that his name now a days? I can never keep up.

I got my inspiration for the colors
from this scene:

I loved how these colors looked for Carrie's wedding. Well, I mean her first attempt at a wedding. They just seemed to pop. The song is smart and sassy, so I thought it was fitting. Now, I need to come up with some cool headpieces. Right now I'm thinking some fun hats with feathers and of course rhinestones. We will see, I just need to hurry, hurry. Because Mobile, ALABAMA....this Sassy Trio is on it's way...minus the Jimmy Choo's and the Manolos. Ahhh shucks!

After getting the costume all taken care of, Buddy and I hosted a 4th Birthday party for our niece Gaby at our home. It was small and fun. Buddy and his mom did all the cooking, and I made my yummy salsa. Yes, I do not cook, but I can make a mean salsa. We had cake and ice cream and the kids hit the piñata. Nachito broke it after the second hit, and of course he got the piñata trophy.

Why do all boys that break a piñata make a hat out of the remains? By the end of the night it ended up turned into a mask. Kai out of jealousy because she didn't break it, broke off the cone on the right side. Then his aunt cut eyes into it and walla, a mask. He actually liked it better. Please forgive our backyard, buddy has been working like crazy and he has not had time to work on it. (sorry Buddy, I didn't have time to photoshop some grass into the picture).
On Sunday, we were fortunate enough to go see Legally Blonde at Gammage. I heart musicals, I really do. Back in July we went to Gammage to watch Wicked. I hadn't blogged about it, so I can't talk about Legally Blonde without mentioning Wicked.
I had heard such good things about Wicked, and I was afraid that I would be expecting too much when I saw it. Fortunately it wasn't the case. I LOVED IT!!!! It was amazing! Yes, I would have loved to see it while we were in NYC, but Gammage is just as impressive. Kai was in awe the whole time. I kept my composure through this show, because when I took her to see Chicago in NYC I balled like a baby. The look on her face when the show started was priceless. It's as if she was transformed. It was as if she was imaging herself on that stage. I couldn't control my emotions, and I cried so much. Thank goodness it was a very dark theater.
Anyways, if you haven't seen Wicked yet, and it happens to be in your city, or if YOU happen to be in the "city". I highly, highly recommend it. Oh yes, and if you have read the book and are afraid to see it because of the book. The show is a much cleaner version of the book, so don't fear. In this case, the show is better than the book, and that's a good thing.
Now, let's talk about Elle Woods. Fun, Fun, Fun!!! Very close to the movie, but with some singing and dancing. Her wardrobe was very fun and Bruiser, he was so, so cute! The set was amazing. From her sorority to a department store to a law school and a courtroom. AMAZING! Another must see.

Kai and Tatum waiting for the show to start. As we were walking out of the show, Patti and I emphasized to these two the fact that they too could be on a Broadway show. They are both super talented, and the sky is the limit for them!!!
And finally..........

my grandson! How cute is he? I'm having a hard time not falling completely in love with him. This little Coco has the funniest personality. His mom (Kai) is never home, so he has no choice but to bond with the rest of us. He's like a little baby. He was exhausted last night.
And so, the weekend is over, and another one is on it's way. And so the story goes. Jam packed or not, fun times and the realization that we are all busy in our crazy little worlds.


Krista said…
I'm so jealous! I wanted to see "Wicked" so badly, hopefully I'll get to go next time it's here!

And to answer your question--I think it's mostly NORM--so much to do, so many activities, family functions, you name it, it's hard to find down-time. So those days where there is nothing to do are like GOLD!

(*Thanks for the bday ideas! I still don't know what I'm doing for sure, but it helps to have extra ideas in mind. *And definitely FB me about your holiday pics. I'd be happy to do them;-) *My boy turns 10 on October 9--almost exactly one month before yours!)

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