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Back in April I bought tickets to see P!NK in concert. Yes, I do enjoy going to concerts and don't ask me why. They are loud, and people are craaazzyy. For some reason, I was very anxious to see P!NK in concert. I have liked her music for as long as I can remember. I bought her very first album and have purchased every one since then. I have my favorite songs, but I can listen to all of them. On Sunday night me and two friends went to see her concert at Arena. It was awesome! She sang all of my favorite songs, except for one. And it was well worth the wait.

As I drove home by myself after dropping everyone off, I was listening to the one song that she didn't play. I had chills going up my arms. I immediately had memories flooding my brain. And, they were not good memories. It was like flashing back to a bad moment in our lives. Yet, it was ok now, because that time has passed. Time has healed old wounds, but I couldn't help but remember.

It's amazing how music can heal a broken heart, and yet it can also remind you of when that wounded heart was broken. Sometimes I am amazed at certain songs. It's as if they were written just for me. There is a sense of ownership to them. Did someone live my life for one day and write this song about me? Did they take a sneak peek into my future and put the words into music for me? Of course not, but it's nice to think so. It's nicer to know that through music, you can relate to whole group of people. You can translate songs and make them fit into your situation.

I was raised listening to so many different kinds of music. Both of my parents loved music and their tastes were different. My sisters listened to completely different types of music as well. I'd like to say that my knowledge of music is extensive, but it's not. I still learn and try listening to different styles. In the end, I like what I like. And Buddy likes what he likes etc. etc.

Kai already has her favorites. Every week, I get my weekly iTunes receipt and it makes me smile. I allow her two to three purchases a week. She always asks me if before she goes over. She uses our main computer and so when I dock my phone, her purchases automatically download onto it. When I connect my phone, I set it to shuffle. All of a sudden, I hear songs that I have never even heard before. Nothing to crazy, but different. I listen with curiosity. What do these songs mean to her? Of course......she's as human as the rest of us. She to thinks that these songs were written for her, about her. She relates to them in her 13 year old way. I smile because it's a new generation. Her generation, her music. When she is older and driving somewhere and a familiar song comes on the radio it to will take her back to her memories. Music is what makes the world a better place.

I respect and admire songwriters and artists. The ability to put words into lyrics and combine them with music so that us listeners can enjoy is truly a talent. And that, is why I go to concerts. That is why I push my way through crowds and listen to screaming people. It's to see the performers put their heart and sole into their job. And that is what I witnessed on Sunday. P!NK helps write and helps compose her songs, and she sings live. I relate and enjoy her songs, and it was a very good time. I would go all over again. Thanks to Holly and Lisa for going with me. Especially Holly since we had General Admission tickets and we had to stand the whole time. And if you have never heard any of P!NK's music. Check it out, try something new. ; )

I love her album covers....she's one crazy chick!!!


More Than Words said…
I have a friend who totally loves going to concerts too!

My husband and I LOVE music, and mostly all genres (except country) We used to love dancing..ummm..clubbing, back in the day! But, you're right about music. It can bring back some of the saddest and happiest memories!
Jaime G. Fryer said…
Amen Sista! I totally agree with what you wrote about music. I heard Pink's concert was awesome. I do like a few of her hit songs from over the years. I'm glad you had a good time. Yes, we need to do lunch soon.

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