In honor of the month of October. The month that kicks off all of my favorite holidays, I am posting Trick or Treat pictures of years gone by. I will need a few tissues as I write this post. It's just another sad reality that our kids do grow up. They grow up and as they grow, they have their own ideas.
Prior to having kids, I was very much IN LOVE WITH DISNEY. I collected snow globes, I decorated our kitchen in Disney. I had all of the Disney movies on VHS and I used to buy new ones every paycheck. No kids at home mind you. I was obsessed. Really? I'm starting to notice that I tend to do that. Buddy and I even went to Disneyworld on our honeymoon. No romantic getaway to Paris or to Hawaii. It was Mickey and friends for us. Buddy and I went there every year on our own. Poor guy, he had no choice. He did learn to love it though.
When Kai was born, I passed on the love to her. She also loved the movies and the characters. How could she resist? For Kai's first REAL Halloween, one where she was aware and walking, I dressed her as Marie the cat from The Aristocats movie. She used to watch it over and over. I remember that on this particular day, the last day of October it was HOT! Even in Douglas, and that's a rarity because Douglas tends to be 10 to 20 degrees cooler than Phoenix. It was a furry costume, and she was not very chipper to be dressed in this when it was so HOT. Once evening came around, it was a lot cooler and her mood did change a bit.
From that point on, she was a Disney character for many years. When Nachito came along, he too joined in on the fun. Then it happened, first with Nachito, he no longer wanted to be a Disney character for Halloween. I was devastated, crushed, disappointed, sad. Why? He wanted to be a Star Wars character????? Nooooooo! It's not fair, you guys won't match. Kai will be a Disney character and you someone from Star Wars?
What was I to do? Let him of course. After all, it really should be his choice. The following year, Kai did the same. She had run out of Princess's and characters, so she to abandoned the Disney theme. Oh well, it is what it is. It was fun while it lasted.
Here are all of the kids Halloween pictures, minus two years. I can't seem to find any pictures from those years. I have made a few calls and hopefully soon, my family and friends will send them to me, and I will be able to add them to this post.
Prior to having kids, I was very much IN LOVE WITH DISNEY. I collected snow globes, I decorated our kitchen in Disney. I had all of the Disney movies on VHS and I used to buy new ones every paycheck. No kids at home mind you. I was obsessed. Really? I'm starting to notice that I tend to do that. Buddy and I even went to Disneyworld on our honeymoon. No romantic getaway to Paris or to Hawaii. It was Mickey and friends for us. Buddy and I went there every year on our own. Poor guy, he had no choice. He did learn to love it though.
When Kai was born, I passed on the love to her. She also loved the movies and the characters. How could she resist? For Kai's first REAL Halloween, one where she was aware and walking, I dressed her as Marie the cat from The Aristocats movie. She used to watch it over and over. I remember that on this particular day, the last day of October it was HOT! Even in Douglas, and that's a rarity because Douglas tends to be 10 to 20 degrees cooler than Phoenix. It was a furry costume, and she was not very chipper to be dressed in this when it was so HOT. Once evening came around, it was a lot cooler and her mood did change a bit.
From that point on, she was a Disney character for many years. When Nachito came along, he too joined in on the fun. Then it happened, first with Nachito, he no longer wanted to be a Disney character for Halloween. I was devastated, crushed, disappointed, sad. Why? He wanted to be a Star Wars character????? Nooooooo! It's not fair, you guys won't match. Kai will be a Disney character and you someone from Star Wars?
What was I to do? Let him of course. After all, it really should be his choice. The following year, Kai did the same. She had run out of Princess's and characters, so she to abandoned the Disney theme. Oh well, it is what it is. It was fun while it lasted.
Here are all of the kids Halloween pictures, minus two years. I can't seem to find any pictures from those years. I have made a few calls and hopefully soon, my family and friends will send them to me, and I will be able to add them to this post.
Marie the cat from The Aristocats
Snow White
(Picture coming soon)
Pooh bears "Honey Pot"

Sleeping Beauty
Kai "Belle"
Nachito "Mickey Mouse"
(Picture coming soon)
Kai "Jazmin"
Nachito "Stitch"
Kai "Esmeralda"
Nachito "Buzz Lightyear"
Minnie Mouse
Kai "Minnie Mouse"
Nachito "Jenga Jett"
Green Power Ranger
Kai "Sassy Witch"
Nachito "Ninja"
Devon "Captain Jack"

Iron Man
Sparkly Fairy
Most of Kai's costumes were made for her by Nana Norma. Except for a few that I did buy from The Disney Store. It was fun to go through these pictures and remember the fun leading up to the holiday. I really hate that kids can no longer wear their costumes to school anymore. It's plain dumb. I can't even get started on the subject because it irks me that much. I could go on and on about this subject. Buddy on principal almost sent Kai in her costume one year. I had to stop him of course, I didn't want any problems. Oh well.
And so the fun begins. Trick or Treat is around the corner and I just can't wait. I will pull out our Halloween decorations this weekend and then it will really set in.
Happy October!!!!
Those were all great!!!!