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My birthday and the release of New Moon............

After much anticipation, the day finally arrived. On the eve of my birthday and the release of New Moon I held a little party. It really wasn't a big gathering. I had a few friends over and some family. Most of the people there, were the ones that didn't think I was crazy for being so obsessed with this book series. Some are just as obsessed as me. Initially I was going to have a larger group of people, but then I realized that the tickets for the movie had sold out, and I wanted everyone that went to my party to be able to see the movie as well.

It was going to be a sit down dinner, and at the last minute it ended up being very informal. We realized that Harkins Cine Capri was going to sell tickets to Twilight prior to showing New Moon. We needed to get our bodies down there as soon as possible. As you can imagine, the hype for New Moon was twice as big then for Twilight. There were a lot of people at the Twilight premiere, but not like New Moon. A lot of new fans joining the party.

I took Thursday off to do some preparations. Again, didn't do too much since we were only going to be at my house for a few hours. We did manage to have a great time while we were there. We had drinks and appetizers, and I did not leave out the Mushroom Ravioli. No Berry cobbler, just cupcakes decorated with some food color to look like blood. Buddy wanted me to make some garlic necklaces and buy some fangs. Uh.....hello? Did you not read the books? Our Twilight vamps do not have fangs nor do they fear's a myth. Just like the sleeping in coffins and going into the sun. We all know that they sparkle in the sun. Well, of course he hasn't read the books, so I really can't blame him for trying. Nice try anyways Buddy.

Appetizer table

Desert table
and again

Red hots and New Moon candy

The bloody vampire cupcakes and red vines of course.

Another picture of the red vines and hot tamales (my favorite)

Chess piece white chocolates in honor of Breaking Dawn

Another picture of the cupcakes. Cristina frosted them, I added the blood.

and again....

Tables with the candles turned on, although with my flash, it looks bright.

My friend Mike making the blood red martinis that were oh so yummy!
And after that, off to the theater we went. We entered Twilight when it was half way through. Aww, it was nice to see it again. Then, it was time. We did have very bad seats because of the fact that people were already sitting there. The movie started, and I really, really loved it. I was not disappointed at all. My Edward looked stunning, and he made every ones heart flutter when he walked from his Volvo to meet Bella. It's my favorite scene so far. Oh, who am I kidding? I love the whole thing. At this point, I have seen New Moon ? times. : ) I'm actually not disclosing it this time. All I can say is that I am saving my ticket stubs, yes, stubs. And when it leaves theaters, I just might say how many total times I saw it. I'm not out to break my Twilight record, but if it happens then so be it. I'm going to see it just because I love it. And, I must admit that I did receive a few AMC gift cards for my birthday, so that helps the cause.
And now the wait until Eclipse begins. June 30th it is!


More Than Words said…
Neisha, happy belated birthday!

I love how you are so into birthdays,and really going all out on a theme. You inspire me!

I plan on seeing the movie soon!

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