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Where do I begin???

After a long absence from my blog, I am finally sitting down to post. So much has happened in the past month that I honestly don't know where to begin.

December 23, 2009 turned my world upside down. My mom suffered a minor heart attack, and was taken by ambulance to Chandler Regional Hospital. When I arrived, she was in good shape, and she was talking. They ordered a CT Scan of her chest. When she got back to the ER from her test, every thing that could have gone wrong, did. She suffered another heart attack, this one was much worse. She was in-tubated and things were not looking very good for her. The next few days were spent waiting for tests to be run, consulting with Dr.s and praying. A lot of praying.

We were finally told that she would need to undergo a quadruple bypass. There was a problem with that, because she was in critical condition. Her kidneys were failing, her blood pressure was to high, as was her blood sugar. And, she was to weak. The surgeon said that we would have to wait, and that it was now in Gods hands.

Christmas came and went. It just wasn't the same. After having already lost one parent, I couldn't fathom the thought of losing my mom now to.

The next week, my moms surgeon advised us that he would operate on mom on January 30th. She was not doing any better, but she wasn't any worse. My sisters and I agreed to the surgery, even though it was very risky. She would not like the quality of life that she was presently in. They had kept her in an induced coma hoping that the rest would help her. At one point, she was connected to nine different IV medications that were being given to her through a central line.

The days leading up to her surgery were getting harder and harder to deal with. The one thing that helped me and my sisters get through these days, was the love and prayers from our family and friends. I can not imagine what it would have been like had I not had that support. The friends that I see often, and than thanks to FB a lot of friends from school. Most of these people I haven't seen in ages. It was comforting to read all of their messages.

Thankfully, our mom had her surgery, and she did real well. The next few days were tough on her. She had to get ex-tubated and try to regain some strength. She has been out of the hospital for two weeks now, and she is doing so much better. Just yesterday, she was cleared to return home to Douglas. As long as she follows up on all of her appointments, she can go home.

Now that she is better, and that her surgeon feels that she is well enough to go home, I feel like I am ready to come back to my blog. Until then, I just wasn't feeling it. My priority was to make sure that my mom got better.

I have missed my blog, and I can't wait to catch up on so many things that have happened and things that are still to happen.

To my dear friends, the ones that read my blog, my voyeur friends that never comment, or follow me. Thank you so much for all of your love and support and especially all of the prayers. I can't tell you how much your friendship means to me. K and W you know I'm talking about you guys.
W, thank you for coming to the hospital and sitting with me while my mom was in surgery. : )

One day as we were in the waiting room at the hospital, my sister pulled out the prayer booklet from my dad's funeral from her purse. She had this picture in there as well. I had to post it, because it was my dad's last Christmas Eve. That is Kai that he is holding. I love this picture


More Than Words said…
Oh wow, Neisha. I don't blame you one bit for not blogging. I'm glad to hear that your mom is doing better now. I can imagine how stressful the holidays were for you!!

So good to see you back though!

Precious picture of your dad & daughter!!!
Jaime G. Fryer said…
Welcome back! I missed reading your blog. I was just wondering the other day how your Mom was doing. I'm so glad all the prayers worked and that your Mom is doing so much better. Love the picture of Kai and your Dad:-)
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
So, I got up extra early today with my hot cup of Keurig coffee to get some work done BEFORE getting to work, but I was dreading starting. Alyssa has been sick and coughing and I can't sleep when she is sick. So! What is the Best Time Killer in the world when you can't concentrate? "Confessions of a Blogaholic"!!! Tomorrow morning is another day to catch up! Never stop writing! Your Buddy in law!
Go Saints!
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Neisha said…
Hey Buddy in Law!! Thanks for reading : ) I hope Alyssa is feeling better. I'm sure glad you like your Keurig too!! And that's right....GO SAINTS!!! LOL

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