Yesterday afternoon, I was sitting at work. I was looking at all of the stuff that I have to try and get done by Friday. I was feeling overwhelmed and a bit overworked. As I moved papers from one side of my desk to the other, visions of Venice went through my mind. It made me want to go back. To just drop everything and head on back. Stay at the same hotel and re-live those days all over. Except this time, Buddy would be with me too.
Here a few weeks ago I posted on how slow Venice was and how I would only like it for a little bit. Now I sit here and realize that I would like it for longer. You see, we would all wake up and have a LONG breakfast, with no where to really go. We would just walk and walk and then have a LONG lunch with either a Belini, or a glass of wine. Then a LONG walk back to the hotel. I would actually take a nap. Yes, I would actually take a nap. I have never napped in my life. Then we would meet back down at the Lobby and go have a LONG dinner. The waiters were patient, they were not trying to turn their tables around for more tips. You could sit there for hours, and just chit chat and talk. All of the cafe's were the same.
The food was delicious and I am craving it so bad. And please, I am not by any means a real drinker, but it was nice to have a drink at every meal. It was relaxing. In my last post I mentioned that we went to Cafe Florian. It was probably the best time I have had. I sat with Cristina and Ray and just admired how beautiful this Cafe really was. It is located in St. Marks Square and I still can't believe that it has been opened for almost 300 years. To read a little about Cafe Florian, click here.
We had already had dinner, so we went there for drinks and dessert. Cristina and I ordered a pomegranite belini that were so yummy. Ray ordered a very dark beer. They serve everything on a silver platter. The drinks came with complimentary chips and olives.
Then it was time for dessert. Oh Boy! We ordered three different things from the menu. Of course a Tiramisu, then a hazlenut/chocolate sundae and a chocolate and vanilla mousse. They were so good. They came with the cutest little spoons shaped like little shovels. Oh to have one more bite of the Tiramisu.
It was very cold in Venice while we were there. Fortunately there were a lot of Cafes that served Hot Chocolate. And let me tell you, it wasn't Swiss Miss (not that I like Swiss Miss). This Hot Chocolate was thick and warm. You could use a spoon. And it was topped with fresh whip cream. After feeling sorry for my self yesterday, I was craving the Hot Chocolate so bad. I Googled a recipe for Italian Hot Chocolate and I found a few. The one I liked the most, used Cocoa Powder and actual chocolate. I went straight to AJ's because I figured that they would have the best chocolate. It needed to be more than 70% cocoa. Then, I went home to expirement.
Even though I went to AJ's, this was the best chocolate I could find. I know, I know even Safeway carries these. Go figure.
As I'm making the chocolate
Yummy......I even made fresh whip cream
and even better with a chocoate Macaron from Essence Bakery.
Here a few weeks ago I posted on how slow Venice was and how I would only like it for a little bit. Now I sit here and realize that I would like it for longer. You see, we would all wake up and have a LONG breakfast, with no where to really go. We would just walk and walk and then have a LONG lunch with either a Belini, or a glass of wine. Then a LONG walk back to the hotel. I would actually take a nap. Yes, I would actually take a nap. I have never napped in my life. Then we would meet back down at the Lobby and go have a LONG dinner. The waiters were patient, they were not trying to turn their tables around for more tips. You could sit there for hours, and just chit chat and talk. All of the cafe's were the same.
The food was delicious and I am craving it so bad. And please, I am not by any means a real drinker, but it was nice to have a drink at every meal. It was relaxing. In my last post I mentioned that we went to Cafe Florian. It was probably the best time I have had. I sat with Cristina and Ray and just admired how beautiful this Cafe really was. It is located in St. Marks Square and I still can't believe that it has been opened for almost 300 years. To read a little about Cafe Florian, click here.
We had already had dinner, so we went there for drinks and dessert. Cristina and I ordered a pomegranite belini that were so yummy. Ray ordered a very dark beer. They serve everything on a silver platter. The drinks came with complimentary chips and olives.

I had my chocolate fix for the day.