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I've been a stranger...

It has been well over a month since I've been on my blog. I have missed it so much. I just needed a little break from my computer. Not so much from my blog, but blogging does involve using the computer. There were nights that I was staying up until 2 a.m. on my computer reading blogs, Internet window shopping, farming, (I think I have cured myself of that one. Sorry Neighbors) and then just silently eaves dropping on friends Facebook accounts. I say silently because although I love to look at pictures, I don't often comment or "Like" things because I feel guilty. Guilty if I comment or "Like" on someones picture or status but forget to on someones else etc. etc.

Unfortunately, I'm a people pleaser, just in case you hadn't noticed. I don't know how to say no, and I hate to hurt peoples feelings. Although, I'm getting a little better at it....well, just a teeny tiny bit better. So, I took a month break from the Internet, only using it for emergencies like a last minute pair of shoes, or some serious withdrawals from Entertainment news. Thank god for E online, just a quick overview of the home page and I was good.

I kept up on local news through good old fashioned newspapers and the 10 o'clock news. Of course there was no dull moment in Arizona. So much talk about the Immigration law. I naturally had so many people asking me my thoughts because I grew up on a border town, and I am an American with Mexican heritage. I have a lot of different feelings about this law. I have no problem proving my citizenship when asked. I can show my drivers license in one second, and even my Passport (because I have yet to put it away since I came back from Venice). I honestly don't like the ignorance surrounding this law. I had someone tell me, "Well you won't get pulled over because you drive a nice car." Really?? I DON'T drive a nice car. I drive a Nissan Armada it's three years old, and my kids live out of it. What does that have to do with being pulled over??? I'm more afraid of people thinking this way, than being pulled over by a police officer. It's the ignorant people out there that now feel that they have the right to say or do stupid things.

The day after the bill was signed, my niece, my American niece, who is married to a Border Patrol no less was harassed by a man at a Blockbuster. He approached her and basically asked her why she hadn't gone back to Mexico yet. Another friend of mine has an eight year old daughter that was approached by a parent during her softball game and asked her for her green card. She is eight....she asked her mom "Mommy that man asked me for my green card, do I have a green card? She didn't even know what it was.

I have a girl that works at my office. She was born in Canada. I was able to hire her, because she has her work permit. She has been in the United States for four years, three of those years, she was here illegally. She was supposed to come and visit, and she never went back. She got pregnant, and had her baby here then finally went back to make the proper arrangements. I'm glad that she did, because she is an awesome worker, but where is the difference? Nobody would have ever guessed that she to was an "illegal".

I understand the reasoning behind this bill, but I don't like the stereotyping of it. There are a lot of illegals in this country, but of all nationalities. It would be nice if people came into this country legally, but the way Arizona is trying to handle it is not the solution.

And there, what a way to come back to my blog. And being the people pleaser that I am, I hope nobody takes offense to my post, it's only my simple view on things.

I'm hoping that my comeback lasts for a while. I have tons of things to post about.


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