I never thought that having braces taken off would be such a big deal. Maybe it's because I never had to wear them. Unlike me, Kassie has had them for almost two years. At her last orthodontist appointment he told her that if she continued to wear her rubber bands, that she would have them removed at her next visit. Well, with that said, she not only faithfully wore her rubber bands, she doubled up on them. I don't know if this really helped, but when she saw Dr. Dickerson the next time, they were ready to come off. It's incredible what braces can do for your teeth, I will have to post a before and after picture. Many thanks to Dr. Dickerson and his staff at Dickerson Orthodontist. I have never been in a more friendlier office. They are all so sweet, and they look so cute in their matching shirts. Not to mention that Kassie gets a kick out of seeing her Orthodontist wheel around in his Heelys. She might be a little jealous too, I have never let her get a pair, for fear that she might break a limb right before competition. Anyhow, if you or your child is in need of braces, I highly recommend this office.
Also, as a closing note on this latest entry. For those of you who often wonder why I have so many posts on Kassie, and not many on Nachito. Well, he is still in a camera shy age, and rarely agrees to a picture. I'm sure he will grow out of this soon, as I really need to get pictures of him before he grows up and has second child syndrome.