Year one - Angel
Year two - Angel
Year three - Angel and party boy
Year four - Angel and girl!!
Again, it's one of those things. Kai and her dreams/wishes. TDA sponsors the childrens cast auditons for the Nutcracker ballet with the Moscow ballet. Four years ago, she auditioned to be in the show. She was originally cast as a snowflake. She is very small for her age, and she was the same size as all of the snowflakes. After rehearsals started, she was changed to an angel. She was happy. When we went to the show, she saw all the different characters. She fell in love with the party scene. She wanted so bad to be a party girl. The next year, she was cast an Angel...again. Well, maybe next year she said. Then as she does every year, she cut her hair in August and donated it to Locks of Love. Nutcracker auditions came around, she knew she was old enough to be in the party scene, but she was cast as a party boy. Why? Her hair was not long enough to be a party girl. Party girls, have to have their hair half up/half down and curly. She was devasted. Nonetheless, she was a party boy, and also an angel. She was still small enough and after two years, she knew the part. What happened this year was that she for no reason would cut her hair, just a trim and style. She was determined to be a party girl. She broke her record, she had donated her hair for three straight years. And this year, nothing. Auditions came again, and ...finally a party girl!!! And also an angel, why mess with tradition. So here are the pictures for this years Nutcracker. Kai, finally a party girl..