One word, ME!!!! Let's go back to the year 1985. That would have made me about 12 years old. You know, the age that you start liking boys. When you actually start caring about what you wear, and how you look. Well that year, I was in seventh grade. I had pretty much been a tom boy for the first 11 years prior. I clearly remember not wanting to go to Tucson with my mom and sister for a day of shopping. Instead opting to go with my dad to the ranch and ride horses and get dirty. Something changed when I turned 12. All of a sudden, I wanted to go shopping in Tucson. I asked for subscriptions to Teen, Seventeen and of all things, Cosmopolitan. I don't think my mom realized how naughty that magazine was. I mean in terms of articles, of course. Anyhow, I was not allowed to wear make-up. I was told that I could not wear it untill I was 15. Oh please... "But mom, all of my friends can wear it!" Her response...."I'm not your friends mom, and you are not your friends, so no, final answer." So I did what any other 12 year old would have done in my situation. I used my own money and went to the pharmacy and bought my own. Then I hid it in my backpack and wore it at school. Then like a routine, I would wash my face before my mom or dad got home from work. I can still remember the smell of that compact. I used the Cover Girl compact, you know, the one that smelled like Noxema. And then as if that was'nt enough, I used the Jet Black red Maybeline eye liners. The ones that came in a two pack. I slowly started adding to my secret make-up collection.
Now lets fast forward to a particular band concert at the end of the year. Yes, I was in band, but only in middle school. (I played the flute) This concert, was held during the day. I grew up with two full time working parents, and I was not used to them attending a "during the day" concert. Needless to say, my mom attended this concert. What did she find? Her 12 year old, flute playing, make-up wearing daughter. Not just a la natural make-up, but full out make-up. Boy was I surprised to see her. All the way home, I got the lecture.
That weekend we had our usual shopping trip to Tucson. I was in shock when we walked up to the Estee Lauder counter. My mom asked the cosmetic lady to help me. She explained to the lady that I was sneeking make-up and that she did'nt want me looking like a clown. She wanted her to show me how to correctly wear it, and for me to use the right colors. That was it, I was hooked. I saw how perfect the ladies make-up was and how well she knew the products. I was amazed at all the colors of eye shadows, eye liners, lip sticks. They had testers, and at the pharmacy, you had to just buy the packaged kind. From that point on, I looked through my magazines, but instead of looking at the clothes, I looked at the faces. I slowly tried different brands of cosmetics. By the time I was in high school, I could tell you anything you wanted to know about cosmetics. I was the official make-up artist for my friends. I dreamed of the day in which I would move to a big city and finally work as a "Beauty Advisor". That day did come, and I worked as a "Beauty Advisor" for non other than Estee Lauder. That only made my obsession with cosmetics worse. As an advisor, you get gratis every three months. And then, you get a discount at the store which only makes it worse. Especially when new "Color stories"* come out. Are we getting the picure here? I, for the past 23 years have bought so many cosmetics, I'm litterly drowning in them. I NEED TO STOP! And yet, I can't. So, I have decided that I will have to blog about my addiction, and hopefully people that read my blog will get a benefit from it. I see it as a service...LOL I see it like this....since I can not stop buying cosmetics, I will just be an advocate for my favorite products. If I really like something, I will let you know, and if I don't, I will let you know too. I will jump around from color, to skin care, to tools and you decide if you want to give them a shot. I will try, to everyday, post about a product that I have tried. Deal? So Buddy, you see, there is a purpose to all my stuff now. And when you see MAC, Sephora, etc. on the bank statement, it was done for research purposes. : )
* A color story is that display at most counters where they have everything all matched up. The shadows, eye liner, lip liner, lipstick, blush and lip gloss. Usually with the picture of a model wearing the colors and you buy it, only to find out that you can not replicate it when you get home.