Filming has started for New Moon, and the waiting is already driving me crazy. I remember waiting for the premiere of Twilight. I had a countdown widget on my screen at work. I think I must have watched the five trailers a million times. Waiting for the Soundtrack to come out was just as exciting. I really need to find something to keep me busy for the next seven months, that way I don't get too obsessed again. The good news is, that they have cast all of the Volturi and Harry Clearwater. You can see pictures of them here. The bad news is, having to wait so long to see them in the movie. I do have to say, that I can not wait to see Dakota Fanning as Jane, I think she was cast perfectly. I have also read, that although my Edward is only in the beginning and in the end of New Moon, that he will come out throughout the movie. Especially when Bella is putting herself in danger to hear his voice. They are going to show him talking to her. That will make the movie for me.
So I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I will start crafting again to keep me busy. I will organize my messy craft closet and finish unfinished projects, start projects that I have evertything for, but never even touched, and come up with new ones. I have blank canvas just sitting there waiting for some color, I have fabric that is waiting to become something, I have wooden letters waiting to be decopaged, and most importantly, I have rhinestones waiting to find a home. See, already this blog post is inspiring me. We'll see how many projects I can finish in seven months. : )
Take pictures and post them on your blog of all the goodies you make!!
I agree, so glad Dakota is playing Jane. Angelic, pale...perfect!
Can't wait.