Here it is, three more days and Kai and I can't wait. I am a little on the sad side though. I just sent Nachito off to Douglas for two weeks. Him and Buddy probably haven't even gotten to the corner, and I already miss him. He on the other hand, was quick at goodbyes and off he went. I guess I can understand. He goes to Douglas and gets totally spoiled by his two grandmothers and grandfather. It is a vacation to him, no chores, and no time outs. He is SPOILED when he goes down there. Even my sisters will take him for a day or so. Even though I will miss him like crazy, I am glad that he is able to spend time with them, I'm sure he will always remember his summers in Douglas. And on the plus side, he gets to leave this horrible heat.
As far as Kai and I go, we are not even half way done with our packing. Ten days requires a lot of packing. I'm always so paranoid that I am going to forget a costume, or a headpiece or something. I've already made at least five lists. Hopefully by tomorrow night I will be much more prepared.
And so, in three days we will be able to go here.

Dylan's candy Bar, Kai's absolutely favorite candy store. She's been reading my blog lately and she pointed out that I hadn't mentioned this. She is only 12 after all. It's your typical "kid in a candy store." The minute she walks in her eyes are all over the place. Two floors of candy, candy themed merchandise, candy themed products and an ice cream parlor like no other. I love to see her expression as she walks around and sees different items. I can honestly say that this will be a frequent stop on our trip. Last time we went every other day. She loves it, and I love that she still loves it. Because that only means that she is still a little girl. : )
I can't wait to see all your pictures when you come back!!
How exciting..ten days!