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Flashback Friday x 2

Kassie's 9th Birthday

Saturday, September 10, 2005

"Fabulous 50's"

Yes, I know that this was a repeat birthday party. In my defense, it was only because I really, really like the 50's theme. And plus, we lived in a whole other city and we had a whole new set of friends. And, Kai was older, so she could enjoy it more. There, I'm done with my excuses for having copied her 3rd birthday party. In terms of invitations, why mess with the originality. : ) I again, made invitations out of old 45 records. Oh....I know a difference. Her 3rd birthday color scheme was red and black, and this one was pink and black. So there, it was a little different.

We had a hula hoop contest in which she could actually participate in this time. And she came in second place. And that was only after I gave her the you better lose look, because how fair would it be for her to win a contest at her own birthday party? Her and another friend had been hula hooping for about 10 minutes and Kai was not giving in. I looked at her and had that little fake smile and she looked back at me, and after a little bit, she let the hula hoop drop. She still reminds me about this to this day. In general, the party was a hit. The kids had a great time and every single one of her friends dressed up for the occasion. I unfortunately do not have a lot of pictures of the event, because at this point, I already had a digital camera. All of those pictures are stuck on our old PC. Hopefully I will retrieve them soon and I will add them to the post.

Today is our 16th Wedding Anniversary!!!

We got married on August 14th 1993

It is really hard to believe that Buddy and I have been married that long. Time just seems to fly by. I remember that when Buddy asked me to marry him, I was only 18 years old. I was three weeks away from my 19th birthday. Still, very young. Buddy showed my mom the ring, and she was not very enthusiastic. She was very apprehensive of what my dad would say. She stayed at my grandmothers house while Buddy and I talked to my dad. When it was all said and done, and my dad had given us his blessing, my mom changed. She was a totally different person. She immediately started planning our wedding. I, to this day, don't remember to much about the planning. I let her take it over. Pretty soon our guest list was in the 500 people range, and the list kept growing. In the end, we ordered food for 700. Yes, crazy......I KNOW! I had four bridal showers, and one huge couples bridal shower with a live band and all. I'm telling you, my mom went crazy. I ended up writing almost 300 thank you cards and had about 20 toasters. I'm not even kidding. It was insane. We had to store most of our stuff at Buddy's parents house because it would not fit in our tiny apartment.

Even though the wedding was a lot of fun, it was all of the after events that are more memorable. Our first tiny little house in Douglas. It was a two bedroom, one bath. It needed so much work. Every weekend Buddy and I would do something to it. Those are memories that I will never forget. I still drive by it every time I go down to Douglas. I just can't let go. Then of course welcoming Kai and Nachito into our lives. I don't even remember too much of what it was like before them. There have been ups and downs in these 16 years, no doubt about that. Fortunately we have been able to over come them. If I could go back 16 years today, I would do it all over again. Happy 16th Anniversary Buddy!!!


More Than Words said…
Neisha..first off...Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!

That is crazy..700 people!! WOW!!!!!!! Oh my gosh, I would be so tired just greeting each one of my guest! Love the picture though! Beautiful!!

And of course, you know I think you are the greatest party planner!!!!! Love her outfit!
Jaime G. Fryer said…
Wow! Happy 16th Anniversary to you and Buddy! You two look great in your Wedding picture. It's always fun taking a trip down memory lane:-)
Mamí♥Picture said…
☼¨`*•.♥WOW!! 16.•*¨`☼
Carlito86 said…
Hi Neisha

Wow, 16 years, Happy Anniversary!! You look so beautiful on the picture!

Also, I love love love the 50s party, what a cool idea!


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