but fun stuff for me. It's hard to be in party mode, because then it's all I think about. It's that whole OCDness. It makes me obsessed with things. While on the Internet last night, I was looking for cute "pink stuff" for Kai's party. I came across this website. I had to share. It has any baking supplies you can imagine. Cute stuff too. Not just your average cupcake baking cups. They have some with stripes, polka dots, etc. etc. They have the biggest selection of cupcake and cake toppers I have ever seen. Check it out, I'm sure you will love it.
And, while I'm on the subject of cupcakes, I have a confession to make. Granted, it's an old confession, but I have to do it. While in NYC, I cheated! Yes, that's right, I cheated on Magnolia Bakery cupcakes. That's it, it's out! Phew, it feels good to come clean. First, I cheated on them with these cupcakes from a cute restaurant called Alice's Tea House. There was this vanilla and red velvet cupcake just looking at me. I had no choice. They were very good. Then, right down the street from our hotel, there was a cupcake bakery called Crumbs. Oh noooooo, I did it again. They had the best flavors. Pistachio, Cosmopolitan, so, so many. And this little number down here.
The Caramel Apple cupcake. It was cupcake heaven. And guess what? Are you ready? They ship!! Oh yes they do. Just go online, place your order, and they arrive at your door. So click on here to place an order of your very own Crumbs cupcakes. Do it, you know you want to. And...FYI, I did make it to Magnolia too! So there, I redeemed myself. I even brought Magnolia cupcakes back home with me. I made a special trip in the morning and carried them on the plane with me.

So, on to the next subject. I realized that I never blogged about SYTYCD. And please, it's not like I'm an expert or anything. I just love it, and have watched it since the very first season faithfully. This season, I was really impressed more by the girls, than the boys. Initially, my favorite was Kayla. 1. Because she was an NYCDA alumni 2. I like her technique and her feet. Slowly, Jeannine started growing on me. She kept getting hip hop and dances that didn't really show off her technique. Then, in one interview that she did, she talked about how she was told that she would never be a dancer because her turnout was bad. And that she was surprised to have made it this far. I really liked her after that and really started voting for her. When she did her solo in the final four, I just loved it! The control that she had on her turns was amazing. I was so happy that she won. In five seasons, she is the second girl to win. And as much as I like Sabra, I still think that Danny should have won that year. Oh well. Anyways.....a new season is just a few weeks away. So tune in to watch Season 6 of SYTYCD on Fox on September 9th!
Here are three of my favorite routines this season.
Group number choreographed by Dimitri, Tabitha and Napoleon
Jeannine and Jason choreographed by Travis Wall
Kayla and Kapono choregrahed by Sonja Tayek and yes, I love it even more because she used music from the Twilight Soundtrack. : )