Frogs and snails and puppy-dog tails', that's what little boys are made of.
Ten years ago today, I was blessed with the addition of a little boy. It was no secret that I was nervous about having a son. I was more of the "Sugar and Spice and everything nice" kind of mom. The pink, the lace, the frill. Not so much the blue, the denim, the no frill. I was anxious for my sonogram appointment to find out just what sex my second child would be. We had not planned on a second child. After Kai was born, we had decided to just have the one. God had other plans for us.
For that appointment, I went by myself. Buddy was working in New Mexico and no one was available to go with me. It was very apparent that it was a boy. The sonogram tech told me immediately. I was silent, as many emotions ran through my head. Happiness, sadness, excitement, nervousness. Too many to process by myself. Before I called Buddy or anyone else for that matter, I sat by myself in the courtyard of the Dr.s office. I thought and I prayed. I'm not sure how long I sat there. When I finally stood up, I knew that this little guy was being sent to me for a reason. Every time that I got nervous about having this little boy, I would just take a deep breath, and know that it was going to be ok.
Because of the complications that I had when Kai was born, Nachito was a scheduled C-section. His due date was November 18th, and they scheduled his birth for November 8th. Ten days early. The surgery was fast, and easy. I was awake and alert the whole time. When they handed me this little guy, my world turned upside down. The love was instant. Kai bonded with Buddy, and I was a little jealous. Nachito was mine, all mine. From that moment on, I wanted no one to help me with him. I wanted to change all of his diapers, make all of his bottles, feed him, bath him, clothe him. He was destined to be a mommas boy.
He was a good and calm baby. He did walk at eight months, and that was terrifying. He was so little. As a toddler, he was mischievous. Our first summer in Chandler, we bought him and Kai a Winnie the Pooh sprinkler system. It had all these little hoses that would splash around and wet them. One morning, Buddy and I walked into our tv room to find Winnie sitting on the floor right smack in the middle of the tv room with the water hose attached to him. Buddy and I looked at each other and quickly Buddy lunged for the hose and bent it in half just in time. We stood there in shock. Then we look out and here comes this one and a half year old in his swim shorts. He walked in and put his hands on his hips and asked us "What happened?" So many similar stories in the past ten years. So many....
I thank God everyday for him. I think God knew what he was doing when he sent him to us. He is something else. He keeps us laughing and on our toes. He still gives me hugs and kisses before he goes to bed, and he still says I Love you to me every single day. Soon the girlfriends will start to come, but I know that I was the first one in his life. And thankfully, he's never found a Frog or a snail.
