When and how did November get here so fast? It's not that I'm complaining, it does happen to be my favorite month of the year. It just got here too fast. Like a whirlwind actually. I guess I'm just trying to make excuses for why I've been such a bad friend, relative and blogger.
October was a blur. So much happening and I was overwhelmed. And that makes me sad, because I really, really love to blog and to read blogs. It's very good for the soul. Lately I haven't had much inspiration to write, or to blog. I have been so busy at work that I am feeling overworked and frustrated. My desk is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. I dig and move things around, but I wonder how much I really get done. At the end of the day, the stack has moved nowhere and my paper and e-mail in boxes are still full. : 0 I get home and I'm more stressed out than before and unfortunately my family pays the price. I snap at them instead of the people I really should be snapping at. Oh the woes of being a working mom. Now snap out of it, and just deal with it right?
I would love too, but sometimes it's just HARD! Sometimes I just wish I could just stay home and go to PTA meetings and lunch with my friends without time constrictions. I don't even know my own neighbors. We have lived in the neighborhood for five years and I don't know a single neighbor. That is sad. Realistically I know I can't stay home. I tried that already when Kai was born and after three years I was ready to pull my hair out. I like to work, and who am I kidding? I'm allergic to my house. I just need to calm down when things don't go my way at the office. I need to just shrug it off. I need to say NO sometimes and I need to leave the office at a decent time too. Just shut off at 5:00. And not think of it until the next morning. Just take baby steps.
And when things don't go my way at home, I need to do the same thing, just shrug it off. (somehow that was a lot harder to type) I can do it, I know I can! (deep breath) I had a little practice at it this past weekend.
First off, Nachito was home sick with asthma all week. That was a bummer. Buddy bought him his pumpkin to carve for the pumpkin walk. And can you believe that I let him do it all by himself? That's right, I didn't even as much as touch that pumpkin. Swear. He made his designs and he sent my niece on a wild goose chase for the materials and here is his final product.
She was so mad at me for taking the picture, that she wouldn't even look at me. She was upset that she wouldn't be able to compete in LA or maybe be in the Christmas show. Once we reassured her that she would, she was a little better. After five hours, we were sent home with her in a sling and pain meds. We were told that she had a plastic break where the bone bent rather than completely breaking because her bones are still limber and growing. She would need to follow up with an orthopedic physician and get a cast put on.

Soooo, give me time and I will start to open up my box a little bit. I may even go introduce myself to my neighbors....well maybe one house. Baby steps remember?
October was a blur. So much happening and I was overwhelmed. And that makes me sad, because I really, really love to blog and to read blogs. It's very good for the soul. Lately I haven't had much inspiration to write, or to blog. I have been so busy at work that I am feeling overworked and frustrated. My desk is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. I dig and move things around, but I wonder how much I really get done. At the end of the day, the stack has moved nowhere and my paper and e-mail in boxes are still full. : 0 I get home and I'm more stressed out than before and unfortunately my family pays the price. I snap at them instead of the people I really should be snapping at. Oh the woes of being a working mom. Now snap out of it, and just deal with it right?
I would love too, but sometimes it's just HARD! Sometimes I just wish I could just stay home and go to PTA meetings and lunch with my friends without time constrictions. I don't even know my own neighbors. We have lived in the neighborhood for five years and I don't know a single neighbor. That is sad. Realistically I know I can't stay home. I tried that already when Kai was born and after three years I was ready to pull my hair out. I like to work, and who am I kidding? I'm allergic to my house. I just need to calm down when things don't go my way at the office. I need to just shrug it off. I need to say NO sometimes and I need to leave the office at a decent time too. Just shut off at 5:00. And not think of it until the next morning. Just take baby steps.
And when things don't go my way at home, I need to do the same thing, just shrug it off. (somehow that was a lot harder to type) I can do it, I know I can! (deep breath) I had a little practice at it this past weekend.
First off, Nachito was home sick with asthma all week. That was a bummer. Buddy bought him his pumpkin to carve for the pumpkin walk. And can you believe that I let him do it all by himself? That's right, I didn't even as much as touch that pumpkin. Swear. He made his designs and he sent my niece on a wild goose chase for the materials and here is his final product.
He did it all on his very own and I think he did a great job!! Then unfortunately his asthma did not get any better and this crazy controlling mom did not let him go to the pumpkin walk. What? It was freezing that night and I didn't want him to get sicker and end up in the hospital for Halloween as he has in the past. Little did I know, that we would end up in the hospital on Halloween anyways.
Saturday started out just as normal as any other day. I dropped Kai off a dance at 9:35 (she should be there at 9:30, but we always run late on Saturdays.) I always take the puppies with me because they love to go for rides. I went through the Drive through at SB as usual and went home. As I got out of the car, my phone was pretty dead so I left it in the charger. At about 10 o'clock, Buddy's phone rings. He answers and hands me the phone. It's BJ the front desk worker at TDA. She wants to let me know that Kai fell in acro and they think she broke her arm. I of course, panic. I can't figure out what to do. It's like I lost all brain power. Buddy calms me down and gives me directions. By the time we were in the car to pick Kai up, I've had about 20 missed calls on my phone and at least 15 text messages. My friend Holly (who also happens to be Kai's dance teacher) calls me because her mom has already called her. We are talking about how we can hide or cover her cast for the competition coming up in LA. Buddy just gives me this look like seriously?? I look at him like what? And keep talking to Holly. And here you thought pageant moms were bad.
When we finally get to the studio, Kai walks out with all of her friends. Her eyes are a little swollen and red, but she's not crying. I ask her what she was doing, and she says a back gaynor. Uh, ok...whatever that is. Her arm is resting comfortably in an emerald green sling made out of fabric. She has a bag of frozen peas on it and it's supported by an empty box of ballet shoes. Very, very stylish. Thank you Sandy!
We drive to Banner Desert Emergency Department. Have you ever waited in a Peds ED for five hours? That's some interesting stuff. When we take Nachito, we never have to wait. Asthma is #1 priority, or he has been transported by ambulance. Kai, unfortunately had to wait. Here she is waiting.............

Sooooo, needless to say that spending five hours in the ED on Halloween day through my plans off. No time to make any of my appetizers, my popcorn wreath, decorate my food table the way I like it. The Vicodin knocked Kai out for hours, so I couldn't do her hair and the Twiggy makeup that I had planned. She barely woke up with enough time to go to a few houses. I never even dug my camera out of my purse. I have one, picture, ONE of Halloween 09. And it was taken with my phone.
I did however find a little time to make my mummy dogs that I make every year. Had I not done that, then I would have really lost it.

Soooo, give me time and I will start to open up my box a little bit. I may even go introduce myself to my neighbors....well maybe one house. Baby steps remember?
Hope everyone had a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
November here we go!!
Nachito's Birthday
My Birthday!!!!
and, and NEW MOON BABY!!!!
oh, and Thanksgiving too!!
oh, and Thanksgiving too!!
It sounds like you have been so busy, and can you believe, less that 50 days till Christmas? Crazy!
I love those mummy dogs! So cute! And your son did a great job with his pumpkin carving.
We had a similar situation here in Sept. just a week after we got back from China with our second daughter. Our first daughter fell and broke her arm (looks like the same spot as Kai's. Their cast is similar).
She's fine now, cast is off and all is normal.
You're right. It's all baby steps. The only way we get there (in one piece anyway).
Hang in there.
Wanda (At Last...)